What is the best gift you've received?

@tech40 (23128)
October 11, 2019 1:32am CST
Let's talk about things that we received that were given by other people. I think the best gift that I received from someone else is clothes. I'm not a fan of going shopping to buying clothes or shoes because I'm picky or choosy when I'm the one who's buying it. There are even times I give money to my parents or to my girlfriend and ask them to buy for me.
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11 responses
@IamKYLE (2279)
11 Oct 19
The best gift that I ever received is a car. It is given by my parents when I was young
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@tech40 (23128)
• Philippines
11 Oct 19
Ooh! What car is that? Is that a racing car?
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@IamKYLE (2279)
11 Oct 19
@tech40 It's an old second handed car
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@tech40 (23128)
• Philippines
11 Oct 19
@IamKYLE I'm surely that they're proud of you or maybe they saw that you're a hard-working person that's why they bought you a car
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@Alexandoy (65308)
• Cainta, Philippines
11 Oct 19
My wife gave me the best gifts - a tablet and a laptop. Unfortunately the laptop broke down and it's not repaired yet.
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@tech40 (23128)
• Philippines
17 Oct 19
I'm sorry to hear that but what's wrong with the laptop?
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@tech40 (23128)
• Philippines
17 Oct 19
Is that because of the battery?
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@Alexandoy (65308)
• Cainta, Philippines
17 Oct 19
It is the broken motherboard. Just like a lemon.
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• United States
11 Oct 19
a wild mustang 'twas the best gift i've e'er gotten. 'twas a dear, sweet friend.
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@tech40 (23128)
• Philippines
11 Oct 19
Wow! A sports car! I'm pretty sure you have some good race with it!?
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• United States
11 Oct 19
@tech40 noperz, not a car - a wild horse :) my pic used here 'tis 'f him.
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@thelme55 (76652)
• Germany
11 Oct 19
I have received many wonderful gifts from hubby like jewelries, typewriter, laptop and many more. That only counts the material things.
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@tech40 (23128)
• Philippines
17 Oct 19
You're right. Memories are still important gifts, there are even times that we can remember some memories with those things.
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@sw8sincere (5204)
• Philippines
11 Oct 19
The best gift I received is a speaker which is kinda pricey and I love it's sound quality!
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@tech40 (23128)
• Philippines
11 Oct 19
Wow it looks amazing! Is that a bluetooth speaker? How much is it?
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@tech40 (23128)
• Philippines
17 Oct 19
@sw8sincere Wow that's a lot! I'm pretty sure it has a good bass sound quality!
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• Philippines
16 Oct 19
@tech40 yes it is a bluetooth speaker.. it cost about 4,000 pesos.
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@Janet357 (75651)
11 Oct 19
a nice phone given by my husband.
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@tech40 (23128)
• Philippines
17 Oct 19
I'm pretty sure that you're protecting it.
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@yanzalong (18982)
• Indonesia
11 Oct 19
I remember my daughter and my wife going shopping. I didn't know what they were buying. When they finished, they gave it to me. My daughter said, "Happy birthday, Baba."
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@tech40 (23128)
• Philippines
11 Oct 19
That's so sweet! It's a surprise gift! I want to see your facial expression after the surprise!
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@acelawrites (19272)
• Philippines
11 Oct 19
It's a walking shoes. Just like you I stopped buying shoes and clothes when I don't need it or when there's no special occasion to wear it.
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@tech40 (23128)
• Philippines
11 Oct 19
You're right! There's no point of buying a lot of things especially we're not going to use it
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• China
17 Oct 19
Materially speaking,a phone. It was given by my husband when we flew to china to tour and introduce me to his family,but the greatest gift I received is my life, my family,my husband and my baby -a gift from God.
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@tech40 (23128)
• Philippines
17 Oct 19
It's pretty good! Right! Everything is from God
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• China
17 Oct 19
@tech40 Yes.
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@yoalldudes (35039)
• Philippines
11 Oct 19
It is a blue top for my 40th birthday. It is special because it is from my mother.
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@tech40 (23128)
• Philippines
17 Oct 19
I treat everything especial that comes from my parents too!
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@tech40 (23128)
• Philippines
17 Oct 19
@yoalldudes It is really great
@yoalldudes (35039)
• Philippines
17 Oct 19
@tech40 That is great.
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@cool83 (4467)
• Sri Lanka
11 Oct 19
I got the best gift my wife .. that was happened 5 years ago she given me lovely princess daughter .
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@tech40 (23128)
• Philippines
17 Oct 19
It's so sweet! That's the real gift
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