80s 90s 00s

Havre De Grace, Maryland
November 22, 2019 10:15am CST
What is your favorite time and what era were you born in. I myself was born in the 70s but don't remember much about them. I remember reading about them but don't seem like something I would be interested in. The 80s was a cool time a time of being carefree for a child and fun, I love the music and the TV shows were pretty cool back then and this was the begging of the video game stages. What is your favorite time and what era were you from
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5 responses
@Dyvette16 (4301)
• United States
22 Nov 19
I was born 96’ I liked the 90s just wish I had more time in it haha
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• Havre De Grace, Maryland
22 Nov 19
Dang I feel old next to you but 90s was good they had some good music but kind of a blurry I partied too much
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• Havre De Grace, Maryland
22 Nov 19
@Dyvette16 it was nice at this point its cell phones facebook and twitter
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@Dyvette16 (4301)
• United States
22 Nov 19
@William21001 haha yes I remember people saying those party days I just miss the era of all kids playing outside interacting with one another
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@mlgen1037 (29886)
• Manila, Philippines
22 Nov 19
Born in the 80s and the best era is the late 80s and 90s. I miss it.
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• Havre De Grace, Maryland
22 Nov 19
Me also like the 80s less crap then
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@mlgen1037 (29886)
• Manila, Philippines
23 Nov 19
@William21001 I agree. Can we go back to the time when everything was simple?
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• Havre De Grace, Maryland
23 Nov 19
@mlgen1037 I agree but not happening
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@JohnRoberts (109848)
• Los Angeles, California
22 Nov 19
I was born in the dark ages. I wish I could have lived in the 20s. My favorite era is the 80s.
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• Havre De Grace, Maryland
22 Nov 19
It was a great time seemed kind of care free
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• Mexico
22 Nov 19
I was born in the 90's and I think....just having graduated from college my favorite part was deffinitely those years
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• Havre De Grace, Maryland
22 Nov 19
fun i miss it
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• India
22 Nov 19
There is no best or worst era dear just u need to learn to enjoy
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• Havre De Grace, Maryland
22 Nov 19
I guess its a preference on when you like
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• India
23 Nov 19
@William21001 as u like