
@st4nko (171)
February 19, 2020 5:07am CST
Hi friends, yesterday I was away from my the city.. I was in a neighboring town, in college to enroll in graduate studies, IT academy, I had one more year left in java programming. know I put it off too much, but it's never too late to do a good thing. I am very satisfied.
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7 responses
• Agra, India
19 Feb 20
Yes... better late than never.
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@Hannihar (130228)
• Israel
20 Feb 20
2 people like this
• United States
19 Feb 20
Good for you Good luck
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@st4nko (171)
• Serbia
19 Feb 20
• United States
19 Feb 20
@st4nko your welcome
@xFiacre (12704)
• Ireland
20 Feb 20
@st4nko Study never hurt anyone.
@Hannihar (130228)
• Israel
19 Feb 20
@st4nko Congrats to you. Welcome back.
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@Shivram59 (33015)
• India
4 Jul 20
@st4nko I have completed my graduation and now working in a big company as a clerk.At present I am working from home due to lockdown.At home I'm studying Sanskrit,the most ancient classical language of my country,India.
• India
4 Jul 20
I'm glad you got to finally pursue something you had put off for long. Good luck completing it with flying colors!
@Lushlala (4028)
• Gaborone, Botswana
20 Feb 20
Wow, good for you! I totally agree, it's never too late to follow your dreams.