Its Fun Watching Brother Being White And Mexican At Same Time

Mojave, California
March 5, 2020 4:17am CST
St Patty's day coming and my brother making a mean beef hash thing. Before then he is making Taco's in his Tijuana roots for the time when California to expensive. Ha, funny how culture works. People so built on how they think they supposed to live. How about just go live it and then share it. No need for people telling us how to live. We all say we hate it/ If that is true how come you cannot be Mexican and white too? That is right you to busy worrying about what people think about you. Meanwhile, Punk rock down here smashing walls in, mostly out of anger but not always, sometimes out of neatness and love. Happy St Patty's day no Nazi's welcome here.
The Mahones - St Patrick's Day Irish Punk Song off of their album The Hunger & The Fight (Part One).
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1 response
• Janesville, Wisconsin
3 Apr 20
It sure is a challenge... My Father was Amish, My Mom Native American, Irish, both Pennsylvania Dutch... and I was symbolically adopted to another family who adopted my sister, and I was adopted to another family.. This added 11 more heritages.. So, people give me a lot of grief... For accepting all that I am, by birth and adoptions.. and by my beliefs in what I coined to be called Heinzism... I am a little bit of everything... We all should be allowed to be as we are.. And accept all sides of ourselves... But, many do not like that.. and want to you claim to be one or the other... I am glad your Brother is accepting himself. I also have Irish in my mix. :)
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• Mojave, California
5 Apr 20
Amen, I hate people who view life like that. He dumb dumbs, if you go back to beginning of time you would be surprised with what runs through your blood.