mylot referral

April 25, 2020 9:32pm CST
Remembered the time when mylot had its referral? I wondered why they took that down. I'm glad i was able to reach that time and it was when i got my first payout. I like if they bring that back i think it would be an advantage then more people will be on mylot.
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9 responses
@GoAskAlice (5815)
26 Apr 20
There is only so much money to go around. If you pay for referrals, you reduce the amount to be shared by everyone. A referral system doesn't actually increase the number of users significantly and therefore doesn't pay for itself in the long run.
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@marguicha (218639)
• Chile
26 Apr 20
I have never been able to be good with getting referrals.
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• Philippines
26 Apr 20
I only got one referral that time.
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@marguicha (218639)
• Chile
26 Apr 20
@jvincent_129 I don´t miss that. I only miss the friends that did not come back.
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• Philippines
26 Apr 20
@marguicha whyd you think they didnt continue?
@Devilova (5392)
• Indonesia
9 May 20
I have some in here but they aren't active. We still able to find another, right?
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@carebear29 (31963)
• Wausau, Wisconsin
26 Apr 20
i miss it too actually. i also miss other writing sites i was in
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• Philippines
26 Apr 20
how many writing sites are you on right now?
@mysimplelot (1347)
• Calcutta, India
26 Apr 20
I personally do not like referral schemes. The downside is referrals do not work though. I actually like to do comments and discuss more here.
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• Philippines
26 Apr 20
but like i know referrals before can get you earnings.
• India
26 Apr 20
Never thought it requires any referral option
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• Philippines
26 Apr 20
yes. In the earlier years of mylot
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• India
26 Apr 20
• Chatsworth, California
26 Apr 20
I only managed to get one referral. It was one of my friends. She made one post and then stopped using it. I don’t remember the title. Pretty sure it was her introducing herself.
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@cherriefic (10400)
• Philippines
26 Apr 20
Sometimes I wish we can get that but it might cause MyLot not to have the same cool people anymore.
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• Agra, India
26 Apr 20
No referrals here because the site now has its own fan following which is enough