How to be supportive

United States
May 7, 2020 2:12pm CST
My kids had quite a few friends in school. Only a handful stayed a part of the family after graduation. A situation had come about. I get a text message from boy A. He told me that he messed up and the girlfriend left and he's feeling secluded. I asked what was going on. He admitted that he tried to commit suicide and is paranoid. He admitted that he had been taking a prescribed med for depression. I verified with him about the past experiences causing the depression. He said yes those incidents were a part of it. He then told me that he wasn't feeling like himself and that he now wants to transition over to a girl. ??. He had never given any indication of feeling like this before and he lived with us for 2yrs! He has a 5yr old son, who can't even begin to understand what's hapoening. I don't even know where to begin with the emotional support and guidance. I'm 95% sure his side of the family is going to disown him. Watching this boy grow into adulthood for the last 7 yrs, I can't even think to turn my back on him. I want him to feel good about himself and have my house be a safe place. He did check into a mental facility to talk to a therapist. Not sure when he'll be discharged, but I want to be a part of his support system. Where do I start?
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1 response
@MALUSE (69388)
• Germany
7 May 20
Maybe you could talk to the therapist about this. He can advise you what to do and how to behave. We are all lay people here who have no experience with such cases. Can you please divide your post into different paragraphs to make it more readable? Members with glasses will be grateful.
• United States
7 May 20
Thank you for your input. I edited it.