Too kind

By Zxyl
May 12, 2020 6:47am CST
I was busy fixing my stuff last night when I saw my old book. 3 pages were torn out. I am very careful with all my books. When I buy them, I covered them at once with a plastic cover. I labeled them too with my name. Then, a friend borrowed one. When she returned it, the pages were already torn out. And it happened twice. I don't know what to say. I'm too disappointed but I can't voice it out. I think, if you borrow something, maybe take an extra care of it, right, especially if it's not yours. Just saying.
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6 responses
@Shivram59 (33015)
• India
25 May 20
@Allionnazxyl Yes,I had one such experience.I had bought a book .It was a novel on the life of a great,ancient poet.An elderly man who was my Hindi teacher in middle school borrowed it from me.Then he lent it to his friend without my permission.I could get my book back after five months and it was torn and in bad condition.
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25 May 20
Oh, my. That is not good, especially when they borrowed and they lent it without your permission. Worse is that they don't return it in time. Then by the time you had it in your hands, its not in good condition amymore. That is so so sad.
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@Shivram59 (33015)
• India
25 May 20
@Allionnazxyl I learned a lesson from this incident.Now I don't lend books to anybody.Bad experiences teach us great lessons.
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26 May 20
@Shivram59 That is right my friend.
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• Bosnia And Herzegovina
12 May 20
why would someone do that?? i'm sorry about it. you should "voice it out"
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12 May 20
Like she's my closest friend during high school and I don't want to ruin our friendship just because of that. I thought she would take a lot of care of the book.
• Bosnia And Herzegovina
12 May 20
@Allionnazxyl then maybe she didn't do that, maybe someone else did it. i guess we'll never know
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12 May 20
@aureategloom She said it was her niece. But twice? I don't think that was very nice to give the book to the niece again only to tore it out again.
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@maggs224 (2320)
• Alicante, Spain
13 May 20
I would always take care of anything that I borrowed, it is disrespectful not to. It doesn't matter what it is or the cost of it, it is the fact that someone was kind enough to entrust something to your care. I was always taught that if you borrowed something then the least you could do was return it in the condition you got it. Better still if it were possible to return it in better condition than you got it. Like if you borrowed a car even if the petrol tank was nearly empty to return it full.
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13 May 20
Yes! That sums it all up. That is what I keep telling my kids.
@franxav (13717)
• India
12 May 20
I too am a book lover and I'd be unhappy if my book was returned damaged.
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12 May 20
Yes. It's like I don't want to lend a book to her anymore.
@Hannihar (130228)
• Israel
4 Jun 20
@Allionnazxyl You are very right if someone borrows a book from you they need to return it in the same condition you gave it to them in.
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@Hannihar (130228)
• Israel
8 Jun 20
@Allionnazxyl Did you mean to say something other than lessons?
8 Jun 20
I got my lessons.
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@Vicky32 (106)
15 Jun 20
The moral : Never lend your books to anybody anymore.