A very cool morning ..

@Aleskys (5880)
May 23, 2020 6:47am CST
Good morning friends, last night after several months waiting for the rains at last for about 20 minutes it was drizzling neither too strong nor too soft, my daughter was excited to see the rain and even I hahaha the good thing is that the cloudy weather remains I hope it is the beginning of the rainy season .. How is the weather today in your city?
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8 responses
@m_audrey6788 (58482)
• Germany
23 May 20
It rained also here in the morning then it stopped for a few hours and now it`s raining again
2 people like this
@Aleskys (5880)
• Venezuela
23 May 20
So good!
1 person likes this
• Germany
23 May 20
@Aleskys Yes. It`s good. Have a great day to you
23 May 20
It rained here today too. I hope this is the start of the rainy season.
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@Aleskys (5880)
• Venezuela
23 May 20
Me too!
@msdivkar (23359)
• India
23 May 20
You are lucky to get a some rain to cool down the weather. it is very hot here and waiting some rains to cool us down.
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@Aleskys (5880)
• Venezuela
23 May 20
So is my freinds!
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• Philippines
23 May 20
It''s been raining since this morning.
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@Aleskys (5880)
• Venezuela
23 May 20
This morning it has not rained but there are very cloudy skies.
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@Miss_Leafy (4296)
• Colombia
23 May 20
Sounds really a good weather there. It's sunny here.
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@Aleskys (5880)
• Venezuela
23 May 20
IF it is very fresh.
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@Lakshman15 (2662)
• India
23 May 20
Oh that's really good news hear ,but hear we don't have any rain..
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@Aleskys (5880)
• Venezuela
23 May 20
So is!
@Hannihar (130228)
• Israel
26 May 20
@Aleskys Yesterday and the day before it was cold out and we had rain too. Today it is supposed to be hot. So we are having strange weather right now.
@Janet357 (75651)
23 May 20
I think we have the same weather.
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@Aleskys (5880)
• Venezuela
23 May 20
So good!