Just Curious

By Eky
Malang, Indonesia
June 11, 2020 1:00am CST
Is it forbidden to ask how much earnings someone get in MyLot? Just wondering in case somebody asked me.
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13 responses
• Sonora, California
11 Jun 20
As far as I know it’s not, but if you’re uncomfortable with it, let the person know.
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@SHOHANA (16094)
• Bangladesh
11 Jun 20
I agree with you
3 people like this
• Malang, Indonesia
11 Jun 20
Indeed, is up to us then..
@GoAskAlice (5815)
11 Jun 20
It would be considered to be an unacceptable invasion of privacy, just as asking someone how much they earned in 'real life' would be. Posting a 'discussion' asking how much people earn on myLot would be considered a 'Poll type' question and would very likely be deleted. Likewise, posting a 'discussion' which merely said something like "I earned $xxx today!" would be considered a 'Milestone'. Neither of the above examples are 'discussions'. (Please refer to the Guidelines). It is up to you whether or not you consider it appropriate to tell someone your earnings, if asked.
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11 Jun 20
@Fasuskey92 It's not specifically forbidden here, though it's something I might not consider a suitable discussion in the examples given. Which other forum was that?
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• Malang, Indonesia
11 Jun 20
Thank you for your response Alice, I do wonder because back in my former forum asking how much our earnings is not forbidden but frowned upon, since I'm new here I wonder if in MyLot have the same rules. Once again, thank you for your answer.
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• Malang, Indonesia
12 Jun 20
@GoAskAlice I was active in Quora, now I'm looking for easy and light QnA sites other than Quora.
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@nawala123 (20873)
• Indonesia
11 Jun 20
i don see that rule and ever some post discussed about it. but i think that is not popular thing to do in here
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@nawala123 (20873)
• Indonesia
12 Jun 20
@Fasuskey92 it is not forbidden, just less common
• Malang, Indonesia
11 Jun 20
Oh, I see. Perhaps I still bound with my last forum rules, so for the safe side I asked here
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@jayanth_77 (7180)
• India
11 Jun 20
Yes people normaly don't like to tell others how much they earn on mylot.
5 people like this
• Malang, Indonesia
11 Jun 20
Indeed, just like asking about salary in real world.
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• Bandar Lampung, Indonesia
11 Jun 20
Maybe, some people think it's not polite
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@Elropk (38)
11 Jun 20
I used to think like you.
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• Malang, Indonesia
11 Jun 20
You do? and do you find the appropriate answer?
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@vinay049 (1878)
• India
27 Jun 20
It should not be asked as per forum rules but yes, people do share sometimes how much they have earned till now or how much they make per month here. People who are interacting the most are earning better than others here.
@rosekiss (30380)
• Eugene, Oregon
17 Jun 20
I don’t think it is, but if someone is uncomfortable telling you, then they will just not respond. I, myself have no problem with it. It just depends on each individual
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@cherriefic (10400)
• Philippines
11 Jun 20
Not really. It's up to you if you want to say it.
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@cherriefic (10400)
• Philippines
11 Jun 20
@Fasuskey92 I guess.
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• Malang, Indonesia
11 Jun 20
Thank you for the response, so basically is up to us right?
@Babale (1869)
• Semarang, Indonesia
11 Jun 20
I am also very curious about that.
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@summaray (25)
11 Jun 20
i am new here and sometimes i curious too
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11 Jun 20
I dont think its wrong;tho its personal so its up to the person asked to decide wether to disclose it or not
2 people like this
• Malang, Indonesia
11 Jun 20
I concur
13 Jun 20
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