No grand wedding celebrations allowed

@zandi458 (28102)
July 3, 2020 11:28pm CST
Our government is right when they ban grand wedding celebrations. As long as the threat of covid 19 is still around couples getting married have to adhere to the rulings that there is no celebrations of any kind. Our papers today reported that a groom dies when 100 wedding guests test positive for covid 19. It claimed that this maybe the biggest infection chain. It is unfortunate for those who dream of having grand wedding celebrations but forced to just tie the knot discreetly. .
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6 responses
@msdivkar (23359)
• India
4 Jul 20
Hope people will refrain from doing such grand celebrations during this period after reading this incident.
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@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
5 Jul 20
It happened and it will happen again if people continue to ignore this threat.
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@msdivkar (23359)
• India
5 Jul 20
@zandi458 I agree with you. People are taking it lightly.
@sarik1 (6992)
4 Jul 20
Yes correct .bad news.
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@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
4 Jul 20
It should send warning to the rest of the world.
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@sarik1 (6992)
4 Jul 20
@zandi458 Well said.
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@ridingbet (66857)
• Philippines
4 Jul 20
that is bad. were they not tested using the rapid test kit?
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@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
4 Jul 20
I doubt if test was done as they might think those invited are people they know and unlikely to be covid victims.
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• Agra, India
4 Jul 20
Yes...I heard that news...this is shocking and a big example of people taking things so casually
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• Agra, India
4 Jul 20
@zandi458 yes...and imagine the groom being ill and still getting married
1 person likes this
• India
4 Jul 20
Yes that's bad and we should follow it. Here only 50 persons are allowed
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@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
4 Jul 20
Even attending wedding is a risk as you don't know who among the guests are covid carriers. Some carriers have no symptoms.
1 person likes this
• India
4 Jul 20
@zandi458 yes correct
@JaneLijie (156)
• China
4 Jul 20
That's right and we should be careful.
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@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
4 Jul 20
Covid loves crowded places as it is where they easily find their victims. Yes we should always be careful.