Relationship with the manipulator

@st4nko (171)
July 4, 2020 5:26am CST
Have you ever had a relationship with a person who manipulates with you? One day everything is fine, while the next day is hell. There are so many lies that you don't even know what is true and what is a lie. Like a roller coaster ride. Up and down at once. I really don't know how to deal with that.
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8 responses
• India
4 Jul 20
I'm so sorry for the tough times you're going through in your relationship. I understand it's very hurtful for you but since you seem to really like this person, why don't you try to know why they have to behave this way? No one would do something like this without any reason..?
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@st4nko (171)
• Serbia
3 Oct 22
They work for no reason, they're psychopaths.
@marlina (154156)
• Canada
4 Jul 20
Easy answer: drop the manipulator
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@st4nko (171)
• Serbia
4 Jul 20
It's not easy but you're absolutely right
@msdivkar (23359)
• India
4 Jul 20
Sorry for all the trouble you are getting.
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@gr8nana6 (6614)
• Conyers, Georgia
4 Jul 20
The best way is to drop them and get on with your life. Life is too short to be in a toxic relationship..
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@renicemae (4883)
• Philippines
4 Jul 20
Maybe? Back in college. That was the time where I had a relationship with a guy 8 years older than me. Trusted him too much thinking that he is the one. Till one day, he just lost contact and few days after, I saw his profile picture in facebook getting married to another girl. It's too painful. I cried a lot.
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@Janet357 (75651)
4 Jul 20
then the best thing to get rid of that person.
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• Agra, India
4 Jul 20
Yes ..I have had. But now I know how to stay away from such people
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@Shivram59 (33015)
• India
4 Jul 20
@st4nko Yes,I did have.And he was one of my family members.It was my younger sister who warned me against this man.Now I don't have any relation with that man.My sister saved me .
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