what my dream mean?

@REMO46 (791)
August 11, 2020 6:10am CST
hi everyone , i am nature lover and i am noticing some thing happened with me . i dream of cows with baby calf. most of the time i deamed that cow was in my home. can anyone tell me why cow comes in my dream?
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7 responses
@Shivram59 (33015)
• India
21 Aug 20
@REMO46 Perhaps because you love cows. I,too,love cows.I am also a nature lovers.
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@Shivram59 (33015)
• India
22 Aug 20
@REMO46 I love cows,but don't dream of them.Before lockdown I used to go to a small ,but dense jungle at the outskirts of my hometown.There are some small hamlets near the jungle.Farmers living in the hamlets have cows and bullocks as pets.When I see cows grazing in the grassland near the jungle,my heart gets filled with joy.I can't explain it.My English is not perfect.Don't know how to explain it all.
@REMO46 (791)
• India
22 Aug 20
@Shivram59 dear its so sweet of you. i also love them. you have a diamond heart. feeding the cows is the very very divine work.
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@REMO46 (791)
• India
22 Aug 20
yes dear . but after every two days i dream of cows.
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11 Aug 20
It's just a dream, don't take it seriously.
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@REMO46 (791)
• India
11 Aug 20
but it repeats twice in a week
@REMO46 (791)
• India
11 Aug 20
@zahzahzahra never i can't eat that .
11 Aug 20
@REMO46 maybe it was a message from your heart that you want to eat cow's meat? Ahahaha
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@MALUSE (69388)
• Germany
11 Aug 20
You live in India where cows are holy. You should know everything about them.
@fahmita_ (2255)
• Indonesia
11 Aug 20
Haha I don't know. It's just dream, and to me dream means nothing
@REMO46 (791)
• India
22 Aug 20
ya ..but when a particular dream comes its indicates something.
• India
11 Aug 20
That means time to wake up.
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@REMO46 (791)
• India
11 Aug 20
very funny
• India
11 Aug 20
@REMO46 Maybe ask the cow in the dream itself. It might be able to talk.
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@ClaireZ (106)
5 Mar 21
Dreaming of cows is good sigh for life. When people dream of baby cows, they will be popular among people
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@REMO46 (791)
• India
5 Mar 21
Oh really.. I dream of cow many times.
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@xFiacre (12704)
• Ireland
11 Aug 20
@remo46 Just be happy that it was a dream and not reality.