Sustainable Cutlery: Edible Spoons

edible spoons photo courtesy of Huffington Post
September 6, 2020 12:48pm CST
Nature has been suffering every single day for man's trash. It's been difficult to find solutions when it comes to sustainability and garbage disposal. More often these, waste includes plastic wares that for some might find very convenient because they don't need to clean up the dishes once done eating. What they don't realize is that it plays a big role on hurting nature. Good thing start-up companies are trying new ways and means to deal with sustainable living and a zero-waste form of lifestyle. One start-up brand namely "Bakeys" developed a unique way of using materials that can be disposable and at the same time edible. Bakey's made a Kickstarter campaign on it's innovative product which is "Edible Spoons" developed by Narayana Paesapaty a researcher and agricultural consultant from India as an eco-friendly alternative to disposable utensils. The spoons are made of millet, rice and wheat flours and is very eco-vegan friendly compared to the traditional plastic spoons. Consumers have the option to dispose the product after using or eat it since the components of it is made from food source, it can easily be decomposed. Do you think this will be a solution from the plastic waste we have? Is this a great way to start a sustainable living? Photo courtesy of Huffington Post
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6 responses
@marguicha (218639)
• Chile
6 Sep 20
It is a good idea. Although many good ideas end up being not that good. Where I live, plastic bags were forbidden in the supermarket. Since I started to buy online, they bring me loads of paper bags. I say to myself: poor trees. Many years ago, I made a couple of bags made from canvas to go to the market. I still have them somewhere. I should look for them.
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@marguicha (218639)
• Chile
7 Sep 20
@StyleWithSense Many years ago, we gave second lives to jeans. One of them were handbags that lasted forever. Everyone in the world has old jeans that can be recycled.
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7 Sep 20
Yeah there could be ways that sustainable has it's gray areas, We also practiced here in my town non-plastic bags. Instead of using paperbags though as an alternative we have this so called "eco-bags" which are made from recycled textiles... We also have laws on paperbags which businesses are only allowed to used the brown one's which are the recycled ones. I do hope these edible utensils are humanely sourced though and not just adding another layer to the problem. Thanks for your reply.
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7 Sep 20
@marguicha Thanks for sharing! yeah i totally agree on that! People need to be mindful not to waste anything. I too have some up-cycled items like pants that are baggy on me that i made into shorts. Thanks for sharing that!
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@CarolDM (203445)
• Nashville, Tennessee
6 Sep 20
Sounds like a great idea. Better than plastic for sure.
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7 Sep 20
couldn't agree more! thanks for your response!
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@DianneN (247202)
• United States
7 Sep 20
It's a great idea, but I will prefer to wait until the pandemic is over.
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@DianneN (247202)
• United States
7 Sep 20
@StyleWithSense We'd have to make sure our hands are ultra clean. lol
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8 Sep 20
@DianneN Oh, definitely! Nowadays no one can get a free pass on eating or dining without them hands's clean lol. Thank you!
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7 Sep 20
That's fine, safety comes first! Thanks for your response.
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@nawala123 (20873)
• Indonesia
6 Sep 20
Eat the spoon and leave the food
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@nawala123 (20873)
• Indonesia
7 Sep 20
@StyleWithSense okay mate good morning
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7 Sep 20
@nawala123 Good morning to you! Hope your day is really well. Thank you for your response.
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@nawala123 (20873)
• Indonesia
7 Sep 20
@StyleWithSense welcome and good morning. Wishing a sustainable fork
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@Nakitakona (56300)
• Philippines
7 Sep 20
That's good. It's practical. It could be eaten or disposed without hurting the environment.
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7 Sep 20
True! I hope this innovation will be available globally soon so the world can fight the rise of waste disposal. Thanks for your response!
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@Adie04 (17360)
7 Sep 20
It's good to make edible spoons. It actually helps in many ways. One, nature friendly. Two, we no need to be worry who use the spoons before, especially at restaurants. Three, helps to break chain of covid too because spoons might be contaminated too. Edible spoons might help break the chain of the virus.
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8 Sep 20
Good thought on that! Considering how the food and restaurant industry has been really strict these days. Thanks for your good observation.