After 3 years I am here again.....

Tezpur, India
November 14, 2020 5:18am CST
Due to some very busy schedule, I totally forget about myLot after lots of searching on the internet I can't figure the actual name (myLot) I totally forget the name Mylot, but see my luck, today when I google search for my email account which associated with myLot, I got the name its mylot. and I m here after 3 years
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4 responses
@rakski (112924)
• Philippines
14 Nov 20
good for you! Welcome back and Happy Diwali!
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@rakski (112924)
• Philippines
14 Nov 20
@vsaldas thank you
1 person likes this
• Tezpur, India
14 Nov 20
Rakski, thank you & Happy Diwali you too
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@Reen07 (78)
14 Nov 20
Hi...welcome back to myLot
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• Tezpur, India
14 Nov 20
Reen j thanks :)
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@Reen07 (78)
14 Nov 20
@vsaldas You're welcome, hope you enjoy here
@maximax8 (31053)
• United Kingdom
14 Nov 20
Welcome back to My Lot. I also had sometime away from My Lot because I was so busy. I hope, like me, you'll be happy that you are back on My Lot with the friendly people. I think it is amazing members come from all around the world.
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• Tezpur, India
14 Nov 20
You are correct maxi, it will be good if mylot improve the site UI, I m with mylot for almost 5 years but nothing changed.
@Cheyee (8362)
• Pakanbaru, Indonesia
14 Nov 20
I assume that you come back here?
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• Tezpur, India
14 Nov 20
yes because I wanted to log in to my account see what happens after too many years, but I forget the name called mylot, but somehow i am here after i remember the name of this site.
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@Cheyee (8362)
• Pakanbaru, Indonesia
14 Nov 20
@vsaldas great. Welcome back