Three-Day Work Week - Day One.

Photo Credit: Pixabay.
@tammys85 (29987)
Baltimore, Maryland
November 23, 2020 11:52pm CST
Hey there, everyone. I probably should've posted since my "Headache and Work" post to let people know that I'm okay, but I've just been busy (though I have been around via comments). But I'm doing okay, and my headache eventually went away on either Friday or Saturday. I can't remember now, and I'll post about my weekend, picking up more stocking stuffers, etc. another time. This post isn't about either of those topics, but I just mentioned them as my little self-reminder for other post ideas. ;) Soooo, I live in the USA, and we're going to be celebrating Thanksgiving later this week. We usually just celebrate together at home rather than going anywhere or having anyone over, so I guess that's a good thing for us this year. With that being said, it's going to be a three-day work week for me. I didn't do much on Monday because I've been tired and distracted, but I did manage to join a new writing team on Textbroker and snatch an order. I just hope it's accepted without any revision requests, but that's the risk you take when working with a new client/team. Of course, it can also lead to another egg in your basket. :) I'm hoping to work on a few Textbroker orders tomorrow (well, today now, Tuesday lol). If I finish them early enough, I'm going to work on my Fiverr orders. Otherwise, I'll make tomorrow a Textbroker day and Wednesday a Fiverr day. I'm taking off on Thursday and only writing on Friday if I don't finish my Fiverr orders (one is due on Saturday and the other is due on Sunday), or if I'm bored and find an order on Textbroker that catches my eye. I always play the day after Thanksgiving (and sometimes that weekend) by ear. Welp, I'd love to not work late on Wednesday, so I'm going to hit the hay after I get through a few notifications that are about to expire. I'm tired anyway. I need to get back into my writing challenges, but hey, life happens lol. You all have a good night/morning, stay safe and take care. :) Photo Credit: Pixabay.
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9 responses
@BrittneeD (351)
• United States
24 Nov 20
I like textbroker and I'll have to check out fiverr...3 day work week for my hubby to, he works in manufacturing as a robotics welder... I work random days part time at a grocery store deli and right now I'm on reduced hours because of an injury so I worked Monday and work Wednesday and Friday as well..
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@tammys85 (29987)
• Baltimore, Maryland
1 Dec 20
I hope Fiverr works out for you, and I'm sorry about your injury.
@allen0187 (58586)
• Philippines
24 Nov 20
Enjoy your new work week. Good luck in finishing the work orders.
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@tammys85 (29987)
• Baltimore, Maryland
1 Dec 20
Thank yooou! I finished everything on Thanksgiving night (since we don't do much, not related to the pandemic, we just celebrate at home), and then took a mini-break from Friday to the first half of Monday.
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@allen0187 (58586)
• Philippines
5 Dec 20
@tammys85 good for you. Took a long break from myLot. Not sure when I'll be back but hopefully, this weekend.
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@tammys85 (29987)
• Baltimore, Maryland
18 Dec 20
@allen0187 Thanks! I've taken breaks, sometimes you just need to do it.
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@Shavkat (137339)
• Philippines
24 Nov 20
I think you can handle the situation.
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@tammys85 (29987)
• Baltimore, Maryland
18 Dec 20
@tammys85 (29987)
• Baltimore, Maryland
1 Dec 20
Thank you!
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@Shavkat (137339)
• Philippines
1 Dec 20
@tammys85 You are welcome.
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@HazySue (39264)
• Gouverneur, New York
24 Nov 20
I am glad to hear that the headache left you. It is so hard to concentrate on anything when your headache is there. Good luck on the textbook project. Don't work too hard.
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@tammys85 (29987)
• Baltimore, Maryland
1 Dec 20
Thank you so much, and right, that headache was messing with my work. I haven't been as productive throughout November, so I needed to work hard.
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@Courtlynn (67032)
• United States
25 Nov 20
Dont overwork yourself just because its three days.
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@tammys85 (29987)
• Baltimore, Maryland
25 Nov 20
I won't. If need be, I'll work a little on Friday. If it's not needed, then I'm taking all four days off, and considering I also worked a bit this past weekend, I just plan to enjoy it.
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@tammys85 (29987)
• Baltimore, Maryland
1 Dec 20
@Courtlynn Thank you!
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@Courtlynn (67032)
• United States
25 Nov 20
@tammys85 goodluck
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@Hannihar (130228)
• Israel
24 Nov 20
@tammys85 I am glad you are ok and that your headache went away. Thank you for sharing that with us. Stay safe.
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@tammys85 (29987)
• Baltimore, Maryland
1 Dec 20
Thank you so much. You stay safe too!
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@Hannihar (130228)
• Israel
1 Dec 20
@tammys85 You are welcome and thanks.
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@tammys85 (29987)
• Baltimore, Maryland
18 Dec 20
@Hannihar You're welcome.
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• Philippines
24 Nov 20
At least you still have work, keep it up don't get infected.
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@tammys85 (29987)
• Baltimore, Maryland
1 Dec 20
Thank you, and I'm taking precautions. But I've been working from home for almost 10yrs, so that's not pandemic related.
@J3n4rA (264)
• Indonesia
24 Nov 20
Have a good work and happy Thanksgiving
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@tammys85 (29987)
• Baltimore, Maryland
1 Dec 20
Thank you! :)
• Malaysia
24 Nov 20
well, hope you have a nice day. Stay safe and healthy of course
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@tammys85 (29987)
• Baltimore, Maryland
1 Dec 20
Thanks! You too!
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