How to not stress so much

United States
December 13, 2020 10:08pm CST
Lately with the holidays and my bills and me taking September and October off of work for injury....I've been so stressed about money and everything I think about it all day and it keeps me up at night.....How do you stop yourself from worrying all the time? Sometimes I am able to not think about it because I believe everything has away of working out like it should but would like to know other ways to stop....
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7 responses
@fluffy69 (4956)
14 Dec 20
Sorry to heard about it,try to relaxed and do the Yoga
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@yoalldudes (35039)
• Philippines
14 Dec 20
I also have to teach myself to relax and tell myself everything will take care of itself and just enjoy life.
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@dodo19 (47237)
• Beaconsfield, Quebec
14 Dec 20
I'm sorry to hear that it's causing you so much stressed. Try to do some breathing exercises and meditation. Set some goals. And just do the best you can. It's all you can really do.
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@choijungeun (2600)
• Hangzhou, China
14 Dec 20
Make a goal and achieve it by your best,meantime,throw the other chores away,it can relieve your stress and make you become more concentrated
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@Mga_715 (90)
• Cagayan De Oro, Philippines
14 Dec 20
So sorry that you are stressed. I know the feeling as I have experienced that before. I hope you can get over it ASAP. I am not an expert, but I once was stressed because of my bills as well especially the credit card. I just realized I was spending too much. I know it was not a good habit but it was so easy to spend. Then later on I realized to be mindful with how I spend my money. Now I use my notes in my phone to track all the expenses monthly like electricity, water, food budget, transportation budget, rent, insurances and some little savings and all remaining will be alloted for extra spending. Now, I always think more than twice before purchasing any item and as much as possible I dont use credit card, I have to pay in cash so I dont have to worry about my credit card bills.
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@arunima25 (86675)
• Bangalore, India
14 Dec 20
I meditate and do breathing yoga regularly. That helps me a lot. For immediate distraction, I switch to some good reading or music.
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@jstory07 (135930)
• Roseburg, Oregon
15 Dec 20
I hope everything will work out for you.