@RitzzView (2994)
March 13, 2021 11:20am CST
Do you believe animals can be soulmate? I am one of this crazy person who do. There was a time I was down. There came this cat saying "meow" to me. I am crazy enough to say "meow" back I don't know what happens, next thing I know is this meow dominated me and made me sit in the corner sat herself on my lap and was guiding me where to pet. Was cute. I felt happy after long time dude! It was just because of the love this cat shared with me. Still my best memory.
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4 responses
@Rashnag (30594)
• Surat, India
13 Mar 21
Good to know. Take care
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@RitzzView (2994)
• India
13 Mar 21
You too dear Do you believe in animals being soulmate too?
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@Rashnag (30594)
• Surat, India
14 Mar 21
@RitzzView Not much
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@RitzzView (2994)
• India
14 Mar 21
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@stapllotik (1933)
• India
14 Mar 21
Good to know. Take care
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@RitzzView (2994)
• India
14 Mar 21
You too
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@nanette64 (20364)
• Fairfield, Texas
14 Mar 21
I have always had animals @RitzzView . I have 3 donkeys and 10 cats as we speak. I had an Akita (purebred Japanese dog) that weighed 150 pounds. He was my protector and loved me to the max. He was voice and hand command trained. By me!
@nanette64 (20364)
• Fairfield, Texas
15 Mar 21
@RitzzView I also ran an animal shelter for 8 years. It is still open here in Texas. It's called New Leash on Life Fund.
@RitzzView (2994)
• India
14 Mar 21
That's awesome @nanette64
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@RitzzView (2994)
• India
16 Mar 21
@nanette64 That's sweet. I feel like working with animals too sometimes. Just thought.
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@Chellezhere (5626)
• United States
27 Mar 21
I don't see what they couldn't be. Sometimes I have even wondered if they might have the soul of a deceased relative.