I love pets

May 21, 2021 11:13am CST
I love to have a friendship with pets and any animal in the world, I have three pets, I really feel a great energy when they are around me.
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4 responses
21 May 21
Even I love animals and I feel that I have a special bond with them. I would love to see your pets. What are their names?
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• Morocco
21 May 21
My cat Gold and three birds kiwi, lala and little one Tweety and two turtles bronu and Ronald
21 May 21
@Blackpanter Amazing!!! Lots of love to your pets :)
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@MALUSE (69388)
• Germany
21 May 21
@Blackpanter All this belongs into the post proper and not only in a comment! Other members want to know this, too.
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@ladyhero (3846)
• Indonesia
26 May 21
what are your pets? I have no pets
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@ladyhero (3846)
• Indonesia
27 May 21
@Blackpanter it turns out you are a collector, you have lots of pets too
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• Morocco
26 May 21
@ladyhero I have a cat, three birds, two wild turtles
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@MALUSE (69388)
• Germany
21 May 21
Why don't you tell us what kind of pets you have and even show a photo of them?
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• Morocco
21 May 21
@MALUSE I have a cat, three birds, two wild turtles
@Robinhuut (457)
• Bogor, Indonesia
21 May 21
Yes I like birds that are always singing
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