Honey water

New Delhi, India
May 26, 2021 1:09am CST
I have heard that if you take some water, boil it , and add some honey in it , then it will help you to burn alot of fat with time. I am planning to use this technique in my diet soon. I got this advice from my father a long time ago. I want to ask you all one question. Has anyone of you tried using honey water to reduce your weight? If yes then I request you to share your experience with me .
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6 responses
• India
26 May 21
Yes I also heard but never tried it
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• New Delhi, India
26 May 21
What was the result according to what you had heard?
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• New Delhi, India
26 May 21
@Butterfingers sure then I will try this tip of yours
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• India
26 May 21
@Swayamsiddha It helps but if you can add honey to lemon juice it will be even better
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@ladyhero (3846)
• Indonesia
26 May 21
I've been drinking it but it's not routine, so I don't know what the result will be
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• New Delhi, India
26 May 21
I will inform you about the result for sure
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@ladyhero (3846)
• Indonesia
26 May 21
@Swayamsiddha Ok, I will wait
@allknowing (132070)
• India
26 May 21
I am drinking it every day but I am supposed to add some lime which does not agree with me.
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@allknowing (132070)
• India
26 May 21
@Swayamsiddha It is the lime that helps on reduce fat and not honey
• New Delhi, India
26 May 21
@peachpurple (13889)
• Malaysia
26 May 21
Honey water used for sore throat
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@florelway (23218)
• Cagayan De Oro, Philippines
26 May 21
Had you tried it already?
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• New Delhi, India
26 May 21
I have started taking it already. Today was my first day
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• New Delhi, India
26 May 21
@florelway Yes, I really want to loose weight.
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@florelway (23218)
• Cagayan De Oro, Philippines
26 May 21
@Swayamsiddha let me know the results. Do you really want to lose weight?
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@Starkinds (32703)
• India
26 May 21
Yes but with lemon Water.
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• New Delhi, India
26 May 21
Have you tried it? Does it really work?
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