I want to Find a Job in Canada

By Jake
Laguna, Philippines
May 27, 2021 5:13am CST
Hello guys! It has been a long time since I posted here. How are you all doing? I've always wanted to work in Canada but why is it so DIFFICULT to find one online?????? I worked my ass out finding one but no luck. By the way, I am from the Philippines. I am an Electrical Engineer but my work experience is more on the side of electronics. I heard that the engineering title here in the Philippines is not recognized in Canada. But I don't care. If not qualified for any engineering position, I am okay with any job there is. But still, applying and taking exams to become engineer in Canada is still part of the plan. Do you know any website that might help me find one. I tried all the websites I know like workabroad.ph, JobStreet, Jora, Indeed, etc. Or is any of you from Canada that can help me or guide me? Please pray for me. You may also help me by clicking on the fundraising link I created below. This will greatly help me. Thank you in advance and God bless you all. Keep safe! Thank you, Folks!
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5 responses
@Shavkat (137339)
• Philippines
27 May 21
Some agencies might assist you. My cousin and a friend did this before.
@erictsuma (9726)
• Mombasa, Kenya
27 May 21
Don't give up yet you may find one one day. Continue serching you might be lucky
@yoalldudes (35039)
• Philippines
27 May 21
You can try migration if that is an option for you. You need to get assessed first.
@Belexhanns (3431)
• Kampala, Uganda
27 May 21
I recommend you travel to Canada by yourself
@Superco9 (46)
27 May 21
I think LinkedIn is a good platform for finding jobs creating new links .