About \Loki, episode 3/ (Discussion with SPOILERS for LOKI and probably a lot of the M.C.U.)

@mythociate (21437)
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
June 27, 2021 7:28am CST
First, some background (you can probably review the background & story-so-far on more authoritative discussions - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vE46FbxSO2I&ab_channel=PlanetRecap - but I'm reviewing it here for a 'picture' of 'how a fellow viewer sees it'): I don't remember when they caught him, but Loki has been captured by a group called the Time Variance Authority---an organization whose bosses picked out one timeline as "The Sacred Timeline" and set about destroying all the other timelines. In the first episodes, we learn (while Loki is being introduced to the TVA) that there is a '"Time Variant" of Loki' who's stealing & misusing the TVA's equipment. (It seems that Loki is the being with the most 'Time Variants' (versions of people that split off from their 'Sacred' version when their timeline ... variates).) And--right when they (and 'our' Loki) were about to catch 'the variant' Loki (who hates that name, and so goes by the name "Sylvie")--she jumps through a time-portal to escape them, and Loki--who has actually been getting to know her and is probably turning against the TVA--follows her through the time-portal just before it closes behind her. Thus ends episode-2. Episode 3 (I'm 'doing the breakdown on' because--although there are probably DOZENS of episode-3 breakdowns on YouTube-etc.--I'm personally clearing it up for myself, because I fell asleep in the middle the first few times I tried to watch it (totally me ... I would've stayed up for it if I'd been watching sometime other than "bedtime" ), (so I was kinda confused by it ... I'd wake up; and it LOOKED like they had gone through the time-portal to a totally different place, but they were only in a different place on the same 'timeline.') Through the first time-portal, Loki & Sylvie go to the TVA Headquarters. After the TVA almost catches them there, they portal (randomly(?)) to a moon called Lamentis 1 (in 2077) where they remain for the rest of the episode---first searching an abandoned settlement for a power-source Sylvie can use to power-up the 'TemPad' (the device that opens time-portals), then aboard a train with the residents of the settlement, all traveling to an Ark to try to get off the moon before it crashes into the planet that's about to fall on them, then at The Ark (like a rocket-ship) that's destroyed just as Loki & Sylvie are running up to it. And the episode ends there. Kinda disappointing ... Sylvie just walks away & Loki just stands there---barely even a reaction ...
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1 response
@miftha (1621)
• Bekasi, Indonesia
27 Jun 21
It's a interseting movie
@mythociate (21437)
• Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
27 Jun 21