Has anyone every used Bryce?

United States
November 30, 2006 5:13pm CST
Has anyone ever use Bryce? It's really cool. A picture I made is attached. www.bryce.com It's pretty cool
3 responses
20 Apr 09
Yes.. you are right. It is a very good software to make virutal world and landscape in your imagination. Now it is available with DAZ3D.com.
@dvrtmcc (176)
• Eritrea
7 Mar 09
Not bad software for 3D animation, but all 3D objects mostly rely on 3DS max. And with .3ds extension objects you can work in Bryce too. Just with import tool you can get 3D Max objects and create images, virtual spaces, scenes etc.
• United States
30 Nov 06
I just went there and it says that it is revising .... so I'll have to tell you later