Is war truly peace?

United States
November 30, 2006 5:52pm CST
We all know the saying, "War is peace." But is this necessarily true? Why or why not? Some people say no, this is not true, but in this case why are we in Iraq? George Bush basically implies that the war is to resolve conflict and to eliminate terrorism for a more safe, peaceful future. But how can war be peace when war itself is responsible for many deaths? Congo Free State (1886-1908): 8 000 000 Mexican Revolution (1910-20): 1 000 000 Armenian Massacres (1915-23): 1 500 000 China, Warlord Era (1917-28): 800 000 China, Nationalist Era (1928-37): 3 100 000 Korean War (1950-53): 2 800 000 Afghanistan (1979-2001): 1 800 000 Iran-Iraq War (1980-88): 1 000 000 World War 2 - 56,000,000 This is BRIEF overview of the wars in the 20th century. Now, this is well over the population of many small to medium sized countries. What good can possibly come out of killing so many people? All these people have families and loved ones. Is war justifiable? Is it morally right? Politically correct? What is your stance on war and it as a solution to peace.. please don't shy out because of all the questions, it is merely to start us out. I'm curious as to what you all think, is war peace?
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