Each day a new day, new task of life.......

Bangalore, India
August 21, 2021 3:30pm CST
It was time when pandemic hit us hard last year, Almost all our restaurants were closed. Loss of salaries, since 8 months never saw a credit in my bank statement. It was all debits happening till it became zero. As you know family expenses are too high now a days to maintain even a normal life style. Good days and bad days are always part of life. Finally this year March I myself opened a small joint which is doing good not profitable, but by gods grace something is happening. Now the time we are gearing up to open a second one. Let's see how it goes. Many people told me change the field but I can't as a hotelier after being a food & Beverage professional for 10 years. I hope it's the right decision.....
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2 responses
@asianlady (2697)
• Ireland
21 Aug 21
Every day is a blessing that we are still alive, and let's hope and pray things will get better soon.
• Bangalore, India
21 Aug 21
Yes your right each day is a blessing. Lets hope for the best for all.
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@asianlady (2697)
• Ireland
21 Aug 21
@zabikhan09 Yes, let's pray for our wish and to the world.
@kaylachan (62739)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
21 Aug 21
You have to trust your instincts. That's all you can do.
• Bangalore, India
21 Aug 21
Hope fully let's see still its long way to go.