Sea food....

White River, South Africa
October 4, 2021 8:49am CST
Ok, I was going to cook curry and rice tonight for my fiance and myself, but it seems like I am getting spoiled and he is taking me out to Ocean Basket for sea food dinner.... I feel so spoiled and very blessed, since we and myself before I met him went through quite tough times... So the very few times that we go out to spoil ourselves, we are very thankful for, and it keeps us humble... Let me know what you guys are up to tonight and how life has been treating you? I love to listen to people and give advice and my goal has always bee to become a motivational speaker.... For someone that never wanted to live, I just treasure life now and want sooo badly to help others around the world... Ok, let me get ready and we will definitely chat again tomorrow... Lots of Love Yolande
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9 responses
@Synvan (8)
5 Oct 21
Lucky to found a romantic and suitable life partner, may you both be given a long age and happy life. I don't have a partner, because I'm still in college and haven't found the right partner, I ask for your prayers for a suitable partner like you. (correct me if there some words wrong, I from Indonesia)
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@prashu228 (37525)
• India
4 Oct 21
you are lucky enjoy with your loved one... happy for you
1 person likes this
@toniganzon (72279)
• Philippines
4 Oct 21
Tonight im just mylotting for a bit while watching Jane the Virgin again before i go to sleep. oh it’s almost 10pm and it’s my bed time. See you around.
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@cherigucchi (14876)
• Philippines
4 Oct 21
Its a noble cause and I encourage you to be on it. By the way, I love seafoods.
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@asianlady (2697)
• Ireland
5 Oct 21
Oh! That's very sweet. You are one lucky girl to have a loving fiancé who treats you for a seafood dinner. That's very delicious.
@yuliasss (150)
• Indonesia
5 Oct 21
Happy for u both
@RebeccasFarm (87335)
• United States
4 Oct 21
Hi Yolande..glad to see you here welcome
@Janet357 (75651)
4 Oct 21
I love seafoods especially mussels.
@Zavibis (21)
5 Oct 21
You are lucky, i love seafood too