Good day!

@cabuyogty (2583)
October 24, 2021 9:18am CST
I have a good feeling and free time just to greet all of you guys and of course mylot discuss with friends online . Before i go to sleep , i usually get a phone and interact with social media online and do some paid online surveys . Next days , i will be busy starting my new business at home that i love the most! What kind of business did you have at home? I hope you have a great day! God Bless Us All! :)
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4 responses
@Hannihar (130228)
• Israel
24 Oct 21
@cabuyogty Wlelcome to My Lot. When did you join here? Good luck with your business.
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@cabuyogty (2583)
• Philippines
24 Oct 21
I joined here last 2015 and i hope i have a good luck with my business :)
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@Hannihar (130228)
• Israel
24 Oct 21
@cabuyogty I see that you are not new here. Good luck with your business.
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@cabuyogty (2583)
• Philippines
25 Oct 21
@Hannihar Oh yes! I hope so . Thank you! :)
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@shimba21 (64)
24 Oct 21
It's really nice to read your work, so want to try or what paid/paid surveys you are taking? hope you can share it for me and follow it soon.
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@cabuyogty (2583)
• Philippines
24 Oct 21
Why not try surveyon , univox community and mobrog if it's available in your country . I use rakuten insights surveys and i see that it has a lot of surveys and easy for you to cashout :)
@xstitcher (31125)
• Petaluma, California
25 Oct 21
Hello. I have never been very good at having businesses at home.
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@RebeccasFarm (87335)
• United States
24 Oct 21
good luck for you no business here
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