Colloidal Silver

@Ritz100 (1169)
Yecla, Spain
November 8, 2021 12:28pm CST
Colloidal silver, I make the stuff at home and use it in everything from coffee to cooking veg. I also use it for cleaning and disinfecting surfaces as it is a brilliant germ killer, does anyone else use or make colloidal silver?
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5 responses
8 Nov 21
Is consuming too much of this safe?
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@Ritz100 (1169)
• Yecla, Spain
8 Nov 21
I consume liters of the stuff and Im better than ever, its silver and distilled water so it cant hurt you, what can silver do to hurt you?
8 Nov 21
@Ritz100 I don't know, that was why I was thinking about it. Folks say too much of something is always bad, so was just wondering.
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@Ritz100 (1169)
• Yecla, Spain
8 Nov 21
@ihasaquestion Silver is pretty safe stuff, unless you try to eat bars of it and chew, that will definitely break your teeth
@RebeccasFarm (87335)
• United States
8 Nov 21
I had never tried it but I have read a lot of good uses for it. Dont they also make some kind of silver soap too?
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@Ritz100 (1169)
• Yecla, Spain
8 Nov 21
Silver is used in mainstream medicine in bandages used for burn treatments and various other uses, yes they probably do a soap as well, I must look into that.
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@Ritz100 (1169)
• Yecla, Spain
8 Nov 21
Hahaha, they even sell it at Walmart
• United States
8 Nov 21
@Ritz100 I saw it at the natural grocer here.
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@LeaPea2417 (37122)
• Toccoa, Georgia
8 Nov 21
I have never used it.
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@Metsrock69 (3529)
• United States
8 Nov 21
I never heard of it but it sounds good
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@Joshael (299)
• Nigeria
8 Nov 21
Haven't heard of it till now. Will look it up to know more. Thanks!
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