Improve your Health

November 30, 2021 9:22pm CST
Prevention is better than cure. yet some illnesses are unavoidable. There is, however, a lot you may do to delay or even prevent the start of disease. Can you give some other tips in how to improve your health. *Practice good hygiene *Use a safe water supply *Watch what you eat *Stay physically active *Get enough sleep
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9 responses
@Faster16 (2930)
• Indonesia
1 Dec 21
Additional from me: make sure you have enough money.
3 people like this
• Philippines
1 Dec 21
Haha I agree!
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@Shavkat (137339)
• Philippines
1 Dec 21
Indeed. Prevention is the best course of action to prevent having serious conditions.
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@Shavkat (137339)
• Philippines
3 Dec 21
@agentx053193 I wish you the same thing.
• Philippines
3 Dec 21
true.. stay fit and healthy
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@DianneN (247202)
• United States
1 Dec 21
All true! Wear a mask, keep your distance, and wash your hands!
1 person likes this
• Philippines
3 Dec 21
yes.. this are also important now a days..
@LindaOHio (166250)
• United States
1 Dec 21
Stay away from people that are sick. Wear you mask.
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• Philippines
3 Dec 21
hahaha I agree !
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• Cuddalore, India
2 Dec 21
Exactly correct. Take care. By the way, welcome to mylot club.
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• Philippines
3 Dec 21
thank you
@Luap1050 (876)
3 Dec 21
All good attributes
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• Philippines
3 Dec 21
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@choijungeun (2600)
• Hangzhou, China
1 Dec 21
I almost don't get ill this year,surely,the canker,toothache and stomachache will torture me sometimes.But that's not a big deal. I guess the way to keep health is stay positive and don't force yourself to do something you don't want to.Meantime,eating more vegetables can keep your mind clear. Anyway,as long as you live with the full of hope,you'll be very healthy and strong.
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• Philippines
3 Dec 21
I agree...
@Rashnag (30594)
• Surat, India
1 Dec 21
You have covered everything dear. I agree, health is very important and we need to take care of it
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• Philippines
3 Dec 21
yes.. health is wealth my dear..
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@Babino (5761)
• Morocco
1 Dec 21
Don't forget about mental health !!
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• Philippines
3 Dec 21
Yes.. It is also very important to us, so don't stress yourself.. keep your mind in a positive vibes...
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