Lemon merangue pie

Prairieville, Louisiana
December 17, 2021 10:14pm CST
My best friend and her mother share a love for lemon merangue pie.I was surprised Amy liked that type of pie because she is a picky eater.I used my food stamps to buy lemon merangue pie at fresh market baton rouge.I purchased half a pecan pie at fresh market baton rouge for myself.
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3 responses
@jstory07 (135930)
• Roseburg, Oregon
18 Dec 21
I hope you enjoy the pies.
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• Prairieville, Louisiana
24 Dec 21
My friend brought lemon meringue pie with her
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• Prairieville, Louisiana
24 Dec 21
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@Babino (5761)
• Morocco
18 Dec 21
I was a meringue lover when I was a kid. I find it too sweet for my liking now.
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@Deepizzaguy (98033)
• Lake Charles, Louisiana
18 Dec 21
I also like merangue pie myself.
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