
United States
February 18, 2022 11:09am CST
Every season has a purpose Winter is when things are cooling and taking a nap. The world is sleeping and recovering from the hussle and bussle and dealimg with the dramas Spring is when the world gets moving again New life and new growth People are planting and preparing for new crops People are clearing out the old and bringing in the new Happiness is abundant but so is Pollen as plant life is sending out its love to pollenate and bring in a new generation of plant life Summer is Hot and Lazy but its also a time to enjoy and reap the rewards of spring Pool parties , barbeques , suntans and dancing the night away. Fall is the season of Preperation for the long winter ahead its Mother Natures way of saying that its almost time to wrap up and pull up and put your toys away. Seasons are like times of the day Winter is night spring is morning summer is day fall is evening just as our day is devided into parts so is our seasons just is the year we start our year in the winter and celebrate new life in the spring summer is the best part of the year and the fall is in preparation of events like elections and showing gratitude for the things we have in our lives Our lives are a pattern of seasons too We start our lives in the spring We enjoy our lives in the summer of our lives We give thanks for our lives in the fall of our lives and We slow down and take our time with no need to rush around in the winter of our lives Sadly there is no new spring Some beleive that the winter of life is not the end that there is another season not seen by us mare humans but some beleive that we go on after death and there is an exsistance where there is a spring but then a forever summer and fall and winter never ever return. Lets live now for the spring and summer and enjoy and give thanks for the fall in our lives Live life like each day counts and encourage others to do the same Remember each day we have is a new Oppertunity to live our lives not just exsist within it. Be happy and smile even when its raining because someday it might just be your last oppertunity And noone ever wants to look back and say i wish id done this or if only I had done that. Look ahead and ask yourself will i still have the chance to accomplish the dream of have i left it too late. Love is all around us, reach out to those around you and smile at a stranger If you can spare a few cents when someone is struggling dont forget to help because one day it might be you who is struggling to do the essential things that so many take for granted. LOVE L= Leadership O= Over the top V= Versitile E= Exemplify Be a leader not a follower , be someone to look up to not someone who looks down Over the top means take the step or steps past the end to show you can still run the race even if it was a little longer Be versitile , dont stay inside your comfort zone , reach out to a stranger and smile and ask them how they are doing Be exeplimentry , if you are going to do something do it with pride and with all your heart this is my rant and my step forward for today.
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1 response
@MALUSE (69388)
• Germany
18 Feb 22
"Be **exeplimentry** -- What is this supposed to mean, please? English is not my native language.
• United States
18 Feb 22
go above and beyond dont just be average
@MALUSE (69388)
• Germany
18 Feb 22
@crobyghost I don't have to go anywhere. I know that I'm not average.
1 person likes this
• United States
18 Feb 22
@MALUSE im glad to hear that