do you have or know anyone who has anxiety or panic attacks?

United States
September 13, 2006 7:16pm CST
What do you do to control them? Is there certain things you do to calm you? (besides medication)I have had them for about 1 year now. The first few months was awful. But I am getting better about controling them . Sometimes its very hard to. Its a very scary thing! And im looking to share different things about this. Maybe someone can help me or maybe I can offer somethings that has helped me :)
3 responses
• United States
23 Sep 06
yes i have them iam on med for them and depression it is hard to control them
• Canada
23 Sep 06
i always told my mom(who had severe panic attacks) to take deep breathes and try to think of something that always brought her comfort. if she focused on those 2 things long enuf it usually helped
@ebberts (784)
• United States
14 Sep 06
I used to have terrible anxiety attacts and the thing that helped me and still does is prayer. I ask God every day to watch over us to guide us and protect us, and to send us an Angel to protect us. I know in my heart that he does watch over us and has sent us an angel many times. He does listen and answer our prayers. God Bless.