What is the real gist of winning a scholarship

photo caption of scholarship image
@Basilo (649)
June 28, 2022 8:37am CST
How do you guys win scholarships? Guys have shared how they applied several times for a scholarship and finally succeeded while some have been occasioned with regret letters all over. A few months go, I received a regret letter from the prestigious swedish government scholarship. After close to half a year of waiting, I got notification of admission from the Swedish University of Agricultural sciences to pursue Forest ecology and sustainable management. This was a very encouraging feedback after that long period of waiting, however, when the scholarships feedback were out, my dream of pursuing a Masters course was once again shut down.. How should someone prepare for a scholarship application and are there specific factors to consider while choosing these scholarships especially those in United States, UK etc.
1 response
@yanzalong (18982)
• Indonesia
28 Jun 22
With scholarship you will get higher level of education + free school fee. My younger daughter got scholarship to study at the university but it was not totally free. Half of the school fee still had to be paid.
@Basilo (649)
28 Jun 22
Exactly, Scholarships is indeed a good way to study and get exposure and connections. It is an opportunity we should all strive to get and get the best out of. Congratulations to her!!