What A Wonderful Day ... Each Day Can Only Get Better

My precious husband, Skip
@GrannyGee (3517)
Louisburg, North Carolina
November 17, 2022 4:43pm CST
Today has been special, beautiful, wonderful and the beginning of miracles happening. Though I won't go into detail with anyone ... I am so thankful to look forward to Life ahead. When my miracles transpire I will create miracles too. I have tried hard to keep lots of wonderful light in the darkness of our world ... with all of your encouragement on my Facebook, my Messenger ... I have succeeded in doing that. I have constantly looked for splashes of sunlight to make my Heart feel happy, lighter when I could have easily sunk into deep depression, stayed in bed never looking past a dark room. I have lived in that kind of darkness because I couldn't find my way for several years when my only child died. I have fought hard to smile when I didn't feel it ... I ended up smiling because I made myself feel happiness, hope. As Skip began to heal, get better and better ... I had to help him find hope to go on living ... he lost so much when he became so sick beginning 2016. Finally ... oh my, finally I see him smile, even hear him chuckle ... sounds I'm not used to. He moves differently lately not needing my help ... something I am not used to. Finally our life can only get better ... have such hope again to just live normally. Can you imagine how good it feels to feel to not feel so alone? Never anyone to talk to, anyone to really care ... I think here why would they ... I am no one to ... anyone. I don't say that in a negative way at all. It can be sad to live such a private life, have few family members you can't be close to. My advice to anyone should they ask ... have a wonderful family, friend support system so you always have a life going on all the time. It is a good thing I have grown through the years to be very strong because it takes strength to navigate such powerful storms I have endured in my life. I know there are other people out there who go through so much in their lives. They just don't write about it like I do. I write my life because I don't talk to anyone in everyday life. I write my life to survive, live because if I left all the pain, grief, hurt inside of me ... I wouldn't be big enough to hold it all. I guess I would become a human volcano ?????????? Boom! BOOM! So ... I will always write so, I won't erupt ??? Note: I am sharing this ... what I wrote on my Facebook today. Today has been a good day ... one very special unlike any in several years. Photo is of Skip ... if you know how sick Skip has been for so long ... seeing this photo will amaze you. Wow, lately he is looking so good, doing good.
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3 responses
@oahuwriter (26778)
• United States
18 Nov 22
That's wonderful! Keep writing! Just prior to the pandemic, I joined mylot. Here you don't feel isolated. It's been a God send finding mylot.
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@GrannyGee (3517)
• Louisburg, North Carolina
19 Nov 22
Krissttina, I understand very well more than anyone knows. It's nice to meet you. I am Gloria
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@GrannyGee (3517)
• Louisburg, North Carolina
20 Nov 22
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@oahuwriter (26778)
• United States
20 Nov 22
@GrannyGee Hey! Aloha.
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@RebeccasFarm (87332)
• United States
18 Nov 22
Wow I am so happy to read this Gloria. All things will go better for you both now I know what it is to be so alone yes I do.
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@GrannyGee (3517)
• Louisburg, North Carolina
19 Nov 22
Thank you very much. I hope you aren't alone now.
1 person likes this
• United States
20 Nov 22
@GrannyGee I am not alone, but I have been very much so thanks.
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@Dena91 (16278)
• United States
18 Nov 22
I am so happy that Skip and you are doing so well with everything that you have gone through in the past few years.
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@GrannyGee (3517)
• Louisburg, North Carolina
19 Nov 22
Dena, thank you very much. I am in constant amazement at how Skip is more himself every day.
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