I'm Never Going To Take Our Christmas Tree Down!

Christmas tree 2022 for Skip
@GrannyGee (3517)
Louisburg, North Carolina
December 14, 2022 8:56pm CST
Gracious... we have had many grey, gloomy days lately. I have to say days like this can pull my mood down ... I am a sunshine girl. Shorter days, less daylight can cause SAD ... seasonal affective disorder. You can Google it, read about it. If you get sad, depressed more during the winter you might want to find out more. Less sunshine... less serotonin can lead to depression. High levels of serotonin can make you happier. That's where sunshine comes in. I noticed this year since putting up a happy, cheerful Christmas tree in October for Skip ( he wished for one ... he has been sick a long time ... has been worrying this is his last Christmas) ... I have noticed how cheerful all the lights are during these short, grey days. They are warm, twinkling, wonderful. Both Skip and I love the lights, we need them. We smile more looking around at all the happy lights, fireplace, Christmas tree... one of us always remarks on how good it feels to look at the lights. I was imagining how sad it would be if there weren't any lights to look at. I'm never going to take our Christmas tree down!
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3 responses
@RebeccasFarm (87332)
• United States
15 Dec 22
This tree here does that for me too Gloria.
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@Ronrybs (18092)
• London, England
15 Dec 22
Have to say I don't put up a tree, I know Gaia, the cat, will climb it. She loves trees!
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@magallon (19280)
• Philippines
15 Dec 22
Watching our Christmas tree with colorful blinking lights makes us feel that Christmas is really here.
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