Beware of kisses.

@Maxveg (212)
Kisumu, Kenya
April 6, 2023 7:19am CST
Not all kisses are for love.betrayal kisses also does exist, Jesus was betrayed with just a kiss. Women/men betray their lover's at the end but before that they started well with hugs kisses. All the sweet words they told each other are forgotten and that's where betrayal comes in. Have you ever been betrayed by someone?
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5 responses
@jiwonnie (443)
• Philippines
6 Apr 23
I agree with you. To some people, betraying people close to them is so easy. I'm glad I haven't experienced that level of betrayal.
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@db20747 (43445)
• Washington, District Of Columbia
6 Apr 23
I've been stabbed in the back right in front of my eyes by friends I thought were my best. Are there signs a person is going to do this.
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@Maxveg (212)
• Kisumu, Kenya
6 Apr 23
Yes,he/she will get closer to you to access the knife before stabbing you.. keep your eyes open.
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@popciclecold (37018)
• United States
6 Apr 23
Yes. Not a good feeling.
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@snowy22315 (174710)
• United States
6 Apr 23
Yes, but it was something I should have seen coming.
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@pitsipeahie (4603)
7 Apr 23
Yes. I think all of us has experienced betrayal at one point in our lives in one way or another...