Class party planning

By C
@ShyBear88 (59308)
Sterling, Virginia
October 16, 2023 10:48am CST
It did take a while but the other room's mom had to do a over the phone planning session yesterday. It didn't take long but she is taking care of the activities and I'm taking care of the food. By food, I mean putting together the sign-up for the food for the class party. This is the easiest way to get what we need without someone paying for everything. Also I can make sure my youngest gets what he needs food-wise since he has food allergies. she has planned out two activities where one is rainbow density in a jar and one cloud in the jar. When she explained both they seemed very interesting and I would love to see them done.
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2 responses
@arunima25 (86675)
• Bangalore, India
16 Oct
Good to divide the load. I am not aware of these activities but they must be fun.
@ShyBear88 (59308)
• Sterling, Virginia
16 Oct
It's something she has done with her other child when he was in 3rd grade so she has done it before. Just this is the first time our kids our in the same class so it'll be fun and hopefully not to messy.
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@arunima25 (86675)
• Bangalore, India
17 Oct
@ShyBear88 Prior experience of doing things is always an added advantage.
@ShyBear88 (59308)
• Sterling, Virginia
17 Oct
@arunima25 true but that isn't how room parents are picked it has nothing to do with experience. I'm sure if I looked it up myself I would be able to do so as well. Maybe next time I'll do the activities and she will do the food. That was how we did last year with me and the other room mom of 2nd grade. Having a split load does help. With me having a child will food allergies the food picks are supper easy. Plus this part is at the end of the day and the kids have had their snack and lunch earlier in the day so I kept it as healthy as I could so their dinner won't be ruined either.
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@kaylachan (62735)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
16 Oct
Both can be quite fun. Although time really does feel like it's flying.