Got so depressed

@luisga814 (6913)
Quezon City, Philippines
November 27, 2023 3:05pm CST
It's 4:47AM of 11/28/2023 here in the Philippines. I just woke up earlier around 4:00am. Technically, I have work schedule now. And here's the story why I'm absent for my work schedule now at 1:00AM-10:00AM (Manila Time). Yesterday, at 12:05AM (Manila), my supervisor mentioned to me that I need to file a Medical Leave of Absence for 14 days. And in order to get that, I need to consult to a doctor and secure a Medical Certificate granting 14 days of Medical Leave of Absence. Why looking for Medical Leave of Absence? I just need to pretend that I'll be needing a bed rest for 14 days. I'm at the Business Processing Outsourcing (BPO) as Tech Expert of a Telco Company based in East Coast of United States of America. And being part of BPO, we have matrix need to secure or maintain a good score. With lots of matrix to maintain. Good to know that I passed majority of them. And some of them is not really need to secure a good score. However, one of them is really a must to maintain a good score. And that score is called as 3DR (Three Day Resolution). 3DR means that customer should not contact us within 3 days to secure and maintain a good score. And sad to know that majority of my customers is contacting again within 3 days even if I provided to them the right resolution because they forgot something and/or the technician that I've scheduled for an appointment to go to their house didn't show at specific time. So, the customer needs to contact us back even if I'm not the one who attended during the follow up as long as I'm the one first one who assisted. Then, since I failed the 3DR for 2 and half consecutive months (I should maintain, 80.5% every month). I'm about to lose my job on or before December 15th. According to my immediate supervisor, there's already a decision in the higher management that I will be ejected on December 15th. And the solution of the middle management will be I'll take a Medical Leave of Absence for 14 days starting today in order to not to be ejected on December 15th. However, since I have no sickness to file during the time I've visited the nearby hospital, the doctor denied my request to have a Medical Leave of Absence. I've been in the hospital for more than 4 hours just to secure a request to have a 14-day Medical Leave of Absence, however, denied. And after that hospital, I tried to go to another hospital and because of long queue of waiting. Me and my wife decided to go home. We've reached at home yesterday at around 4:30PM. And of course, I've sent message to my supervisor that I failed to secure a 14-day Medical Leave of Absence because the doctor denied it. The doctor didn't provide because all of my vital health signs are in normal during that time. And now I'm absent, my supervisor, mentioned that even if I didn't secure the 14-day Medical Leave of Absence, we're mandated to secure a one-day medical certificate that I'm fit to go back at work. I don't know of their plans why this all happenings.
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1 response
@LindaOHio (166289)
• United States
28 Nov
I'm sorry to hear all of this. I hope there is a solution.
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@luisga814 (6913)
• Quezon City, Philippines
29 Nov
@LindaOHio Yes, I have no sickness right now. However, I'm feeling sick because of the stress that I'm experiencing with.
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@LindaOHio (166289)
• United States
29 Nov
@luisga814 I'm sorry to hear that. Take a deep breath. Hopefully things will work out.