Why are many Americans talking about aliens these days?

January 9, 2024 4:20am CST
The other time, there were more than 50 police patrol vehicles parked outside a mall in Florida. The reason being that some people spotted aliens, others said some young guys were having a fight. There was a video of a shadow of an alien walking around. The issue here is, why is there so much obsession with aliens in America these days.
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4 responses
@ShyBear88 (59308)
• Sterling, Virginia
9 Jan
Why do you think it's only Americans? Do you know America has the highest rate of immigration so is it a person that is American or are they in America? Most reports are from other countries in the world. There are spots around the world that seem to get visitors more often. Some are pretty good quality for you to tell its not made up or if it's made up they got good stuff. Check out Caught on Tap you feel most are actually from other places in the world that aren't the US. US does have hot spots but so do other places. It's just here in America lots of people have smartphones so we can record at any time and it's not a crime to record in public spaces.
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@ShyBear88 (59308)
• Sterling, Virginia
9 Jan
@ogbenishyna With my own two eyes out and about no. I live in a fly area and ailens in general don't want to be in fly areas. I have seen the footage. Some are pretty convincing and others not so much. My personal take on the world is that, is impossible for us to be the only intelligent things out in the universe. There are different thoughts that maybe we are in a different galaxy from other beings but my personal favorite and one I can agree with is that humans are social outcasts. We can't even be nice to each other so really if I were an alien and came here I wouldn't want to know either two if they are watching from afar they are probably questioning us just as much as some humans question other humans. I know you not talking about immigration but America in itself is a mixing pot many people here are not American. They don't even have American papers or are working towards getting their American papers. We have a lot of none United States Citizens here so assuming that someone recording has to be an American is profiling. They can still be American that wasn't born here and have received their US Citizenship. It's not just the location of it bringing in Americans, people all over the world stop and record things on their phones.
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9 Jan
@ShyBear88 I agree, we are not alone in the universe. Scientists have also discovered planets in the habitable zones of the universe, which means there are possibilities of lives there.
9 Jan
So have you seen a real alien from another world? I am not talking about immigrants.
@Shavkat (137339)
• Philippines
9 Jan
I think they do believe that aliens exist.
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9 Jan
I think the American CIA is messing with people by creating strange stuff.
• Nairobi, Kenya
9 Jan
They also love talking about UFOs.
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9 Jan
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@simplfred (20641)
• Philippines
9 Jan
I really do not know maybe because of the exposure made lately.
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