UK policemen wear fake Rolex watches to catch watch thieves

February 6, 2024 5:32am CST
I think the UK officers have come up with a smart idea that can help fight watch-stealing crime. In the UK this year, many Rolex watches have been stolen costing the owners millions of pounds. There has to be a better way to get rid of this crime especially with baiting.
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1 response
9 Feb
I like any idea to catch crooks. Unfortunately, the good people lose out when people steal something they worked hard for. Some people are always looking for an easy way. Maybe we can put our minds together and think of better ways. That will keep us one step away from all the bad people. I have heard the police do it with cars they leave the keys in the car and put an expensive car in a bad neighborhood and let the crooks do their thing. When they drive off they don't go far because their is a kill switch that shuts the car off. Thank you for sharing.
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9 Feb
You are welcome.