Dance like no one is watching

@sissy15 (12284)
United States
March 18, 2024 10:21pm CST
I saw something the other day that just keeps coming back to my mind. Not in a bad way but it just sits there and it makes me smile and reflect. My husband had just picked me up from work and as we were on our way home I saw this woman with her car door open and music blaring and she was dancing in her driveway living her best life. She lived off of a very busy road so she had to know everyone was going to see her dancing but it is obvious she didn't care. It made me smile. I thought to myself that's a woman who is happy and doesn't care what anyone thinks and she is dancing as if no one is watching. She was smiling and dancing and I felt like that's how we should all aspire to be. Not letting what society would think determine our lives and being our authentic selves. Some people may have made fun of her but when I saw her while amused I was just happy for her. I was happy she could be who she is and not care what others think of her. We should all feel like that. We should all dance as if nobody is watching. Maybe not literally if that's not what you're into but metaphorically. Let your "freak" flag fly. Be who you are and don't let anyone tell you you're weird because who among is "normal"? What even is normal? Other than some unrealistic expectation society has labeled something that no one is. Everyone is so different there's no way that everyone can be normal and if there's one person out there who is normal then are they really normal? Celebrate who you are all of your quirks and all. Be proud to be different and stop being afraid to stand out. I let what society thinks of me hinder me far too much. I am this quirky funny individual and I almost never let anyone beyond those closest to me see that side of me. There will never be a day when everyone will accept you. People are going to hate you just because you exist and there's nothing you can do to change that and it's not worth the time or effort to try. Be you. Be your authentic self. Dance like no one is watching. Be happy. Don't let anyone take away those parts of you that make you who you are. The right people are going to love you quirks and all.
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1 response
@Happy2BeMe (99371)
• Canada
19 Mar
Love this story. I admire people who don't care what others thung and just love their best life. Life to too short to be anything but happy. I agree we should all dance like nobody is watching even if they are.
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@sissy15 (12284)
• United States
22 Mar
Thank you, I don't think that woman realized what she did for me. She was just being her genuine self and that was all I needed to put a smile on my face and make me think about how brave it is just to be yourself. We are all stuck in a world where people are just terrible and being ourselves sometimes comes with a lot of haters and if this woman can dance outside her house on a busy road and not care than I think most of us can be ourselves too. It's not about how well you do something it's about how much you enjoy doing it. She wasn't the greatest dancer but she was happy dancing and clearly didn't care who saw her. She didn't let what others thought take away her joy and there's such a strong message in that, that just stuck with me. I'm still smiling about it days later.
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@Happy2BeMe (99371)
• Canada
22 Mar
@sissy15 That is a very powerful message. I am an introvert and I have always admire those who are outgoing and say what they want and do what they want and don't care what other thing. I have always been a people pleaser but as I get older I have noticed I have gotten better with it but I will never be that outgoing person.
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@sissy15 (12284)
• United States
23 Mar
@Happy2BeMe I am an introvert too. I hate having to talk to other people but I work in an area where I am always talking to people and it has forced me to be at least a little more outgoing. I admire people like that lady dancing. We should all be able to be our authentic selves but it really is a struggle for some of us. Those of us who are not the most outgoing really do struggle with being ourselves sometimes. I am so exhausted when I get home from work because I have to be social all day and it drains me. I was always the type of person who could go days or weeks without talking to anyone and it wouldn't bother me. I can be social when I have to be but it really isn't something I enjoy. I like my job and I like talking to the people I care about most but I really do get exhausted from all the social interaction.
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