Laughter is the best medicine

@sissy15 (12284)
United States
March 18, 2024 10:32pm CST
I've had some of the worst luck lately. My 2024 has been headed towards a downward spiral. I mean it could be a lot worse and I understand that and cling to that when I'm feeling particularly down. I joke that if I didn't have bad luck I wouldn't have any luck at all and that's been most of my life but I also know how blessed I am despite it all. Sometimes life is made up of all these bad things that happen to you but in between those bad moments, there are these beautiful moments that you'd miss if you were so focused on all of the bad that you refused to enjoy the life that still exists beneath all of the bad. I myself deal with the horrible events in my life with a sense of humor. I laugh off the bad and try to get through it with a sense of humor and humility. I try to take away lessons from the things that seem to keep happening to me. I understand that no matter what I'm going through someone else is going through something much worse. It's what keeps me grounded at times, that and my ability to laugh at my misfortune. Life works in funny ways and the absurdity of it all is what keeps me laughing. I can't help every life situation that comes my way but I can help the way I approach it. Sometimes we really don't have control of the things that happen to us and when we accept that and embrace the chaos there's a certain peace that comes with it. Life is difficult, that's just life. I have been stressed to the max lately but I keep pushing forward because that's what you have to do. Life keeps moving forward whether you're read for it to or not. I cry, I scream, I get angry, then I laugh and accept that this is how life is. We are allowed to feel things but the key is to not let them control us, which is sometimes difficult when you live with anxiety. I'll always have good and bad days but I've learned I have to keep moving forward. It has been said that laughter is the best medicine and sometimes it really is. If I didn't laugh I'd probably lose my mind. I laugh so much in this terrible wonderful life of mine. I am blessed. I'm so happy that I have the ability to laugh and keep moving forward. I always say if I don't have anything else I have my sense of humor. It will always be what helps heal me. Laughter and love can go a long way to help mend a wounded soul. I know people despise those "Live, Laugh, Love" signs but the truth in them hits me. I don't have them hanging in my house but the message is something I try to live.
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2 responses
@jstory07 (135930)
• Roseburg, Oregon
19 Mar
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@Happy2BeMe (99371)
• Canada
19 Mar
I agree laughter is the best medicine. Somebody is always worse off then we are no matter what we are going througb.
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@sissy15 (12284)
• United States
22 Mar
If you can't laugh at life sometimes you're just going to be miserable all the time. You're right there is always going to be someone going through something worse than you and there's also always going to be people doing better than you. We can't control life all we can do is control our reaction to it.
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@Happy2BeMe (99371)
• Canada
22 Mar
@sissy15 That is exactly true. We are in control of our own life and how we handle situations that get thrown our way.
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@sissy15 (12284)
• United States
23 Mar
@Happy2BeMe I laugh because sometimes it's so much better than crying. My sense of humor is all I have left sometimes.
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