Be kind/don't take away someone else's joy

@sissy15 (12284)
United States
March 18, 2024 10:55pm CST
Sometimes I wonder why some people are so miserable. People have all of these opinions which is great but why do people have to ruin other people's joy? As long as it isn't hurting anyone why do you have to ruin something for someone? Why do people care so much about how someone else lives their life? If you don't like it don't do it. It's one of those "If you don't have something nice to say don't say anything at all" kind of moments. Since the invention of the internet and social media, people have gotten very brave. It's like they forget there is an actual person behind the screen. People have all kinds of audacity. I get if someone asked for an opinion and you state your opinion kindly but people aren't kind. They call people all kinds of name and make fun of them for doing things differently. They criticize everything. No one can possibly do anything right when there's always someone out there complaining about how it is being done. Someone can be enjoying life and there's someone there making fun of them. Why do people have to be cruel about things that aren't hurting them. Just mind your own business and move on. I get people post stuff and we are all guilty of judging others but to be just cruel and point stuff out to them is mean. Just laugh to yourself and move on don't take away someone else's joy. I get annoyed by people all the time especially when what they are doing is actually hurting their children somehow. I'm not talking about how a child eats because sometimes the term fed is best is a real thing. As long as those kids are eating and getting what they need that's all that matters. Sometimes they'll do things that irk me but I understand they aren't my children and it's not an issue CPS would involve themselves with so I realize it's none of my business and move on and that's what we need to learn to do before slinging insults. Learn to accept things and move on. There is zero reason to be rude unless it's an actual form of abuse. Everyone thinks they have the right answer to things and there are so much contradicting advice out there so just let it go. Unless you know an entire situation just keep your opinion to yourself. Don't tell someone with a picky eater that they are doing everything wrong and trying to force your opinion on them because it's not your business. Unless you are paying their bills it's not your place to tell people they are idiots. There's no way you can possibly understand an entire situation. You have an opinion good for you, use it with your children, don't worry what someone else is doing it. It's ok to not agree on everything there is zero reason to be a jerk. If someone likes something you don't, guess what? That's ok too. It's ok to be different. It's ok to enjoy different things and have differing opinions. It's ok to state them on your own social media especially if you do it understanding not everyone is going to agree, it's not ok to go and be rude to someone else because they don't agree. Move on. Don't take away someone else's joy or try and ruin their day because you can't just keep your thoughts to yourself. Don't be the person that makes a shy person even more shy because the one time they open up they are criticized because you didn't agree with them. Don't be the person that makes someone stop doing something they love because you didn't have a kind word. Don't be that person. Keep your thoughts to yourself. It's so easy to be kind when you realize you aren't always right and it's ok to think differently. I've had all kinds of people be rude to me and while it bothers me in the moment I have learned to realize their opinion doesn't matter. I don't even know them and they sure don't know me. Back when I was on dating sites before I got with my husband I'd have guys message me telling me I was ugly, I've had guys tell me because I was overweight I must be dumb because fat people can't be smart which is so insane. I did nothing to these people. I existed. Mind you the people that told me these things didn't even have profile pictures so who knows what they were hiding. People often make themselves feel better by inflicting pain on others. Don't let yourself care what some stranger says because who are they? The moral is be kind, but also have thick skin and don't let what others think of you ruin your day or your self-esteem. No one is perfect. We all have our flaws. No one is going to always agree with you. You can't make everyone happy so the best you can do is just ignore it and be happy yourself. Rage just makes me tired and sad. I don't want to be mad all the time. I want to live my life and ignore those who don't even know me but hate me. No one has the full story so ignore it. Until you can say you are perfect you definitely don't get to tell others what they are doing wrong when you yourself don't do everything right.
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1 response
@jstory07 (135930)
• Roseburg, Oregon
19 Mar
I had an Aunt like that all she did was say bad things about other people. I got to the point I did not want to see her at all.
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@sissy15 (12284)
• United States
22 Mar
Sometimes you just have to leave the toxic people behind whether they are family or not.
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@jstory07 (135930)
• Roseburg, Oregon
22 Mar
@sissy15 So very true.