(Less Than) Four Months and Counting!

Photo Credit: This is my picture from NKOTB’s show in D.C. in July 2022.
@tammys85 (29987)
Baltimore, Maryland
April 17, 2024 2:33pm CST
I meant to post this yesterday when it was actually four months and counting, but I wasn’t feeling well. But hey, now it’s less than four months and counting! Four months until what, you ask? Okay, you probably didn’t actually ask. Four months until I meet New Kids On The Block. My all-time favorite band since 1989. If you’ve kept up with my posts over the last eight years, I got back into the band full-swing after seeing them live for the first time in 2016, and I’ve definitely mentioned them on here lol. To clarify, I’ve always been a fan, but if you recall, I was ALLLLLLLL about pro-wrestling (which I’m also getting back into, hoo-rah, Cody Rhodes!), so I didn’t really do many concerts or anything. Anywho, to say I’m excited would be an understatement. I have my outfit picked out for the most part. Our photo group is almost complete (just need to find someone to stand with Jon and someone to stand with Danny). My letter to the guys is almost complete. I don’t really know how I want to end the letter yet, so I’m just waiting for the words to come to me. I’m going to be putting spending money on the side for water and hopefully a tour booklet (I already have one from 2019 and 2022, it’s my tradition). I’ll get to hug each guy and at least say a sentence to them. It goes by quickly, but I also don’t want to choke, so I think a quick greeting is good for shy little me. Except Donnie Wahlberg. The show is the day before his birthday, so I’ll be wishing him a Happy early Birthday. I’ll be standing next to Jordan (my all-time favorite), so I can let him know he’s been my favorite musician for decades. I’ve done this before… I’ve met wrestlers, including Shawn Michaels, John Cena, Randy Orton, and Cody Rhodes, by myself, so I can do this… that’s what I’m gonna tell myself. Plus, I’ll have a few friends with me. :) There are tables around the concessions and merchandise stand at this venue, so I may see if anyone (my friends, not the guys lol) wants to grab a snack and just chill for a while. A few hours later, it’ll be showtime! I’m in the fifth row, an aisle seat (of course, lol), and I’ll also see DJ Jazzy Jeff and Paula Abdul during the show. It’s going to be a great time. A day less than four months and counting… but I’m okay with the wait. Counting down is part of the fun. :) Photo Credit: This is my picture from NKOTB’s show in D.C. in July 2022.
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4 responses
@kaylachan (62735)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
17 Apr
Have a good time. I hope it goes as planned.
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@tammys85 (29987)
• Baltimore, Maryland
18 Apr
Thanks! I'm sure it will. I already have my ticket and my ride there and back.
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@kaylachan (62735)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
18 Apr
@tammys85 Yay! Sounds like a fun time.
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@tammys85 (29987)
• Baltimore, Maryland
22 Apr
@kaylachan I'm so excited! Thank you so much!
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@AmbiePam (87817)
• United States
18 Apr
I remember when you first started talking about this. It’s a very big deal, and I know you’ll have a blast.
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@tammys85 (29987)
• Baltimore, Maryland
19 Apr
Thank yooou! I'm so excited (and I just can't hide it, lol)!
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@grenery8 (5901)
• Croatia (Hrvatska)
20 Apr
i wasn't sure.wow,so great! i hope you will have a great fun.
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@tammys85 (29987)
• Baltimore, Maryland
22 Apr
@grenery8 Thanks! Yeah, it's the meet and greet, then we get to mingle, hang out with other fans, grab our merch and food early, etc. --- we have early entry into the venue, and the concert starts that evening. Thank you again!
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@paigea (36224)
• Canada
17 Apr
Wow! An exciting event to look forward to!
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@tammys85 (29987)
• Baltimore, Maryland
18 Apr
I'm super excited! I've waited so long to meet and hug my boys!
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@grenery8 (5901)
• Croatia (Hrvatska)
18 Apr
so,no concert, only meet and greet?sounds exciting
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@tammys85 (29987)
• Baltimore, Maryland
19 Apr
It's a concert and meet and greet.