BOY!!!! IS IT MONDAY!!!! Thank you Petey!

United States
May 20, 2024 9:29pm CST
I haven't heard a peep from my doctor or pharmacy about my pain medication prescription...I was told to call him 4 days before any of my prescriptions were due to be refilled. Okay, I did that, no luck. It's now been 9 days and nothing....I hate calling again. I had my pain clinic nurse label me as a substance abuser, then deny it. I'm still not too sure where I stand on that score. All I know is that I hurt and it's getting worse. I was doing pretty good, and my neighbor (the hoarder who needs to clean out her apartment) came by and told me that she was going to take a "short" nap. Bet she's still asleep. While she was here, Petey decided that it would be fun to walk on my laptop and then sit on it. He managed to dump a lot of research, which I don't feel like redoing. PLUS, I don't know what he did to my provider, but it isn't quite the same...I'm going to have to feel a LOT better before I tackle that. Right now, the offender is stretched out across my lap while I'm entering this. I had a sneeze stuck up my nose and it came out loud and hard. Petey gave me a hard look to say the least!!! I don't have the heart to move him off my lap...I love the little fiend too much--right now he's purring like crazy and starting to go back to sleep. I took a few minutes and put a half a chicken in to bake. It turned out pretty good, but as usual I had to share part of my half with both of the spoiled brats. Now Petey is curled up on one of the work boxes taking a nap, and Freya is curled up in a box of cut out bears doing the same, nothing like fresh home baked chicken to make a couple of kitties happy. (NOT that I spoil them rotten though but they are worth being spoiled!!!!! Have a great night and a great sleep. Hopefully my Primary Care Physician will get off his thumbs and fill my prescription for the pain medication. tomorrow, and I can get a few other things done along with getting the prescriptions picked up. I know I won't let the computer sit where Petey's fanny has access to it! He really can accomplish some stuff with those fuzzy hind legs and cheeks.
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5 responses
@Ghostlady (594)
• United States
21 May
I used to have a MaineCoon named Sam...I was on my laptop chatting with a friend. I left to go to the potty, and when I came back I looked at my laptop and my friend was saying What?!?!?!? Well, not only had he typed some stuff in the chat...he had tried to download something, and the Help Window was on the screen. I got rid of all of that, and told my friend that Sam said Hello! LOL My Tom (human) LOL was listening to music on his headphones on a channel on the TV. I heard him yell and ran to see what was wrong. He had his headphones turned up pretty loud listening to Country Music, and Sam changed the channel to Head Banging music. Scared the crap out of Tom! LOL Cats are so funny. I miss my Sam, but just not healthy enough to take good care of another one.
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@kaylachan (60601)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
21 May
Tomorrow is a new day and a clean slate.
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@jstory07 (134832)
• Roseburg, Oregon
21 May
I hope you get your meds really soon. Spoil those cats. Mine a really spoiled to.
@wolfgirl569 (98012)
• Marion, Ohio
21 May
They are very helpful with computers
@JESSY3236 (19215)
• United States
21 May
When I moved in here (my uncle's house), I was using my uncle's laptop. The cats would get on the keyboard and mess up the screen and I didn't know how to fix it. I didn't like his laptop. I use desktop with a USB keyboard. It has a off/on button which I use when any of the cats are in here. I have four cats. Yesterday I started on my cousin's diamond painting.