What has happened to the Family

September 16, 2006 9:43am CST
There was a time when people and families helped eachother nurtured, eachother that isn't happaning now, grandparents don't help look after the grand kids as much brothers and sisters don't visit cousins don't even know eachother. I am talking in general turm if you have a close loving helpful family and are a member of one thats great, but in society today, the family and extended family is vanishing I wonder why? Are we more selfish now, or self obsorbed? or is it distance? why is the family vanishing?
3 responses
@AndreaM76 (1164)
• United States
22 Sep 06
yes,satan loves the division of family. Mine is completely this way while we all were together growing up.
@ssh123 (31073)
• India
22 Sep 06
Everything has become formality in most families. Couple of years agao, when my parents were alive, all of us use to join the gettogether at parent's place and one could see happiness. If any one comes up with problem, all of us used to sit and try help him to come out of the problem. The things like cooperation, intimacy,love and affection, respect all disappearing. the haves are worried about when the haven't will ask for money!! Children do not allow grand parents to look after the grand children. In fact Grand parents are shunted to Home for Aged. This is the contribution of modern developed socieity.
• Bulgaria
22 Sep 06
yes you are so correct