The sad Christmas Truth

December 6, 2006 4:00am CST
I added all our bills and income yesterday and I wish I hadn't. We go on holiday now the 18 and won't return to work until the 18th Jan. Well we are staying at home but obviously not working. Everything we earn this month is suppose to pay our bills until March! I recieve a little in Januari but far from enough and this is added in the calculations. As I work as a teacher and we don't start to teach until the 14th of feb I won't get paid until 6th march. And Christmas?? The sad truth is that there won't be any christmas present, the food will be just normal. No extravagances. And it s**ks. I almost started crying actually because every month I've tried to save money for christmas and just haven't been able too. What do I do?? Somebode lift my spirits please!
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