POOR and Happy or RICH and SAD...?

@ischia (301)
December 7, 2006 5:31am CST
What's your comment about that..?
4 responses
• India
7 Dec 06
Satisfied and happy
@ischia (301)
• Italy
7 Dec 06
Thank you for this comment! Have a great day!
@Pietro (17)
• Italy
15 Dec 06
if you're a good person, poor or rich doens't make difference... you can only feel depressed for things happening in world and so on... on the other side, with money you can buy only unseful things to fill your ego or try to attract others people and feel a false sense of happines...
• Singapore
15 Dec 06
rich and happy.
@stailgate (2363)
• United States
15 Dec 06
poor and happy. You can live being poor, and have a good life, but you can't without love or being happy.