What's more important

@nextgen (1888)
September 20, 2006 2:52am CST
...freedom or security?
2 people like this
6 responses
@tishabest (602)
• Belgium
20 Sep 06
Freedom comes with security. A nation in fear is not free to think creatively and innovate. Therefore I chose security.
1 person likes this
• United States
21 Sep 06
freedom is more important read your constatution
@dellion (6698)
• Malaysia
20 Sep 06
I think security far more important than freedom for a country b/c if there's no security as a protections to their own peoples what is the freedom means to them?
@amiksinha (1960)
• India
20 Sep 06
i think freedom is very important, but what good is freedom if there is no security to protect that freedom. imagine, a country who elects to allow the people complete freedom, then because there is no security it is easy for a narrow minded few to commit mass atrocoties, in order to take control. then total loss of freedom. is better to lose some freedom now in order to protect long term freedom of a people in the future.
@drilyas (843)
• Pakistan
20 Sep 06
@Sweety76 (1594)
• India
20 Sep 06
It depends where your priorities lie. Would you rather be safe or have adventure & excitement? I had security but it felt boring & stifling. Now I have freedom but it can be overwhelming and scary. I guess freedom is more important because it gives you room to grow, scary as that may be. Security can be a prison... Caged bird vs free bird... It would be nice to have both! Is that possible?