A tribute to Buddy.

Buddy, the Umbrella Cockatoo. - A wonderful companion, a true Buddy!
@jimbl75 (152)
United States
December 12, 2006 2:23pm CST
Let me set this story up some. About 3 years ago, I had an Umbrella Cockatoo that I absolutely loved, his name is Buddy. My wife at the time, now my ex, who wanted the bird before we ever bought him, could not stand him anymore and wanted me to get rid of him. I eventually did, thinking it may even help our marriage that was not doing well at the time. I relinquished him to a well known local adoption person I kind of knew, and she does a great job of finding birds good homes with the birds needs put first. Well that was about 3 years ago, and last week I wrote the adoption person to ask if she ever found Buddy a home, and if not if there is a way I could be reunited with him. She replied with this information:"He was adopted into a family with a 14 yr old (at that time) son that had cancer and was undergoing treatment. Buddy has remained a constant companion for his now almost 17yr old human caregiver. Buddy has seen him through most of his chemo and radiation treatments, and his second bout with another form of cancer. He is a very much loved and respected member of the family, and has been loaned to me for use at a few library programs that I have done for children's reading programs. He continues to be a very flashy, show off bird, and loves to steal all the attention. Kids love to see him, because he raises his crest and lifts his wings to kind of say, "look at me, I am beautiful". And he knows he is:) I explained that I wished I could say that it would be wonderful to reunite the two of you, but I know that Buddy has been a great driving force is making sure that his caregiver remains healthy."How cool is that. I'm sad that I can't be with him again, but so happy he is making the life of a sick child better! I always knew he was wonderful, this is just more proof. Thanks for reading, Jim
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3 responses
• United States
31 Dec 06
it was really nice reading about buddy. i'm the proud owner of 4 umbrella cockatoos, a mollucan cockatoo, a goffins cockatoo, and a bare-eyed cockatoo. they are my passion and my life.any one who does not know about their wonderful personalities cannot possibly understand what a difference they can make in peoples lives. i take ours to nursing homes and it's just so great to see the cheer that they bring to the elderly people there. buddy sounds like a wonderful little guy and that is so cool that he is helping someone else!
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@jimbl75 (152)
• United States
1 Jan 07
They do have amazing personalities. Most people do understand the appeal, but once you've been around one enough, they can make such an impression on you. Buddy required a lot of attention, but it was so worth it because he loved you back in so many ways. Thanks for your post, I hear more and more about people brining their cockatoos to places to bring some cheer. That's so great! Jim
@suedarr (2382)
• Canada
12 Dec 06
Thank you for sharing this lovely tribute! Isn't it amazing how animals can bring such enrichment into our lives. Buddy sounds like a very special bird. Again thank you for posting this, it made me smile. Cheers!
@jimbl75 (152)
• United States
20 Dec 06
Well I'm glad you both enjoyed it, and it made you smile. I was hoping I'd get more pet owners and lovers to enjoy it and add their stories. I love animals, and Buddy the Cockatoo was as special to me as any of them, I'll never forget him. Someday I'd like to get anothe Umbrella Cockatoo, a young one that can grow up in our family and learn our ways as we learn his. Anyway, thanks for the responses. Take care. Jim
@brendalee (6082)
• United States
12 Dec 06
Awe, what a nice sweet story. I bet you are proud to have known such a wonderful bird. I am sorry that you had to give your bird up but it sounds like someone got him that needed him more. Thank you for sharing this.
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