What to do when the child says he is facing short timed pains all over the body?

kid  - A kid
@nebulla (127)
December 13, 2006 1:40am CST
The crazy situation is that the doctors dont agree. My child I know is not faking. He is having very short duration pin point pains arbitrary spread anywhere in the body may be at one time tips of fingers, at other times stomach,etc since three to four months now. At first I use to think he wants to avoid his studies that is why he is building up excuses but then I realised that he was complaining even during play time. When I showed him to doctors they said there is no mention of this in medical history. If you have a problem in the body you should have fever or any other kinds of symptoms which my child does not have. I am worried that I may be just ignoring a potential danger? Have you faced such a situation or seen it with somebody anywhere? I would appreciate any advice.
2 responses
@sedel1027 (17846)
• Cupertino, California
13 Dec 06
I would take your child to a neurologist and an internal medicine doctor. They would order different tests and have a better knowledge of diseases that could be causing the pain than a regular doctor would do. Is your child under stress? If so, could this be a form of anxiety he is experiencing?
@nebulla (127)
• India
13 Dec 06
I think thats a good suggestion.A neurologist may beter understand the situation.My child does play a lot, all physical activities like balling, batting,skating . He is continuously perspiring when I leave him to play and his head becomes wet. I dont think he is having any tensions as studies are my responsibility.The doctors said he wants to attract attention.Sometimes he does forget his pains as soon as I tell him to watch TV or that he can do whatever he feels like.
@sedel1027 (17846)
• Cupertino, California
15 Dec 06
Well, if he does forget that easily, there may be nothing wrong with him. Does he just do this around you?
@nebulla (127)
• India
16 Dec 06
He does this in front of me but he says he doesnt shout,he bears the pain in front of others like his school friends and teachers.
@wathanjim (2214)
• United States
13 Dec 06
I am not a Doctor but I know that not all medical problems have symptoms like fever.It sounds to Me like You need to keep taking Him to different doctors until You find one that will take the time to find out what is wrong with Your son.There are so many new sicknesses out there a person needs to keep trying until they find out what is really wrong.
@nebulla (127)
• India
13 Dec 06
Thanks, I guess that should be it. I have taken him to 3-4 doctors all elliopathic doctors. They did not agree that it is any disease. One of them said give him some multi vitamins. Then I took him to a homeo pathic doctor. He said maybe the child has some nerves problem. So he gave some medicines. I waited for a week giving him medicines but there is no result. The pains have lessened in intensity I guess as he does not shout out too much now but they have not gone.